The GAMERamble Team Plays Rune Knights (4-Player Co-Op – Act 2)

The GAMERamble Team Plays Rune Knights (4-Player Co-Op – Act 2)

Rune Knights is a cooperative action RPG, so what better way to see what the game has to offer than to team up as a group of four and battle through a few levels. This is precisely what the GAMERamble team does as we take on the Night Forest, Night Icewastes, Night Cave, and Dark Arena from Act 2 of the game. In addition to killing and looting, the video also covers other aspects of the game, such as the skill trees, talents, and gear abilities. Check out the video below to see how much fun this Early Access title by Superhero Games is, and be sure to provide the developer with some feedback on Discord.


  1. swiftshot August 6, 2021

    21:26 – So subtle lmfao

    • Numbi August 6, 2021

      Hahaha – the rest of the team had NO clue!

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