Lost Dimension

Lost Dimension

As the team leader of S.E.A.L.E.D, you are tasked with taking down a madman who has aspirations of destroying the world. The task should be easy enough seeing as you are in command of an elite group with extraordinary powers, but sadly this doesn’t turn out to be the case. Instead, you are faced with a mysterious tower that is infested with strange enemies as well as the looming threat of traitors in your midst. Completing your mission will require plenty of strategic thinking as well as some hard sacrifices along the way. Although it is a console port, Lost Dimension is an addictive game with some great tactical elements and interesting party members. If you are a fan of turn-based tactical role playing games, then it should not be missed.

Gameplay: The short, but tactical missions makes for an addictive experience and the game also has a ton of replay value.

Graphics: It is a console port, so the visuals aren’t exactly bursting with detail, but everything looks decent enough in high definition.

Sound: Good voice acting and a solid soundtrack