Pokémon Dash

Pokémon Dash

Pokémon Dash is the epitome of a cheap cash-in. Without the Pokémon license this game would barely have been worth a glance and even with it not much is added to the game. Even if you are a huge fan of Pokémon this game simply offers nothing that will keep you interested for long.

Gameplay: The novelty wears off very quickly and the gameplay is extremely repetitive.

Graphics: Very basic and not a very good showcase of the DS abilities.

Sound: Very forgettable



It is not without its faults but Nanostray is a pretty impressive debut shooter for the Nintendo DS. Longevity is definitely an issue but the game is fun while it lasts. The 3D backgrounds also show what the handheld is capable of so hopefully this will not be the last time we see a game of this type on the system.

Gameplay: A blast for shooter fans but a bit short.

Graphics: Pretty spectacular by DS standards.

Sound: Very fitting for the game

Zoo Keeper

Zoo Keeper

If you enjoy puzzle games that requires a keen eye and quick reflexes then give Zoo Keeper a try. It’s not going to win any awards for the visuals and sounds but the gameplay is addictive enough to warrant a purchase. The stylus controls fit the game perfectly and you’ll be surprised by how quickly you can get sucked in.

Gameplay: Simple but very addictive. Works well with the touch screen too.

Graphics: Extremely basic but cute and colorful.

Sound: Too annoying and repetitive

Kirby: Power Paintbrush

Kirby: Power Paintbrush

With so many DS titles feeling like rehashed Gameboy Advance games it is great to see this ones like this finally start to emerge. It uses the same formula first seen in Yoshi Touch N Go but evolves it into a full fledged game. It comes highly recommended to all platform fans.

Gameplay: Full stylus control throughout makes for an interesting challenge.

Graphics: Very nice 2D visuals.

Sound: Cheerful and uplifting

Pac ‘N Roll

Pac ‘N Roll

Pac N Roll is not a game that is going to set your world on fire and astound you with its innovative new concepts but it is fun while it lasts. The controls work well and the levels become quite challenging later on. Repetition does start to creep in after a while so you might want to try before you buy.

Gameplay: An interesting take on the genre.

Graphics: Bold and cheerful.

Sound: Apart from the horrible voice samples not too bad



Even if you are a fan of the movie I would be hard pressed to recommend this game to anyone. This would have felt boring and dated on the Gameboy Advance and it certainly has no place on the Nintendo DS. There are way better offerings than this out there.

Gameplay: This is a lazy port of a cheap movie cash-in.

Graphics: Barely better than on the Gameboy Advance.

Sound: Nothing to write home about

WarioWare: Touched!

WarioWare: Touched!

The touch screen controls work perfectly and there are plenty of micro games to play but for WarioWare veterans this game will be over all too soon. There’s some great ideas here but even with the tons of extras the longevity suffers a bit. It’s still a good game however and perfectly for killing a few spare minutes.

Gameplay: Good but don’t expect that much variety.

Graphics: Not much better than Gameboy Advance but fits the game style.

Sound: Some catchy tunes

Yoshi Touch & Go

Yoshi Touch & Go

As launch titles go Yoshi Touch N Go does a good job of showing off the new features that the DS sports but overall it never feels like it is more than two mini-games. It is definitely fun while it lasts but once you’ve broken the high-scores and played it a few times you’ll find how limited it is.

Gameplay: Addictive but the novelty wears off very quickly.

Graphics: Bright, clear and very colorful.

Sound: Some very “tropical” sounding tunes

Ridge Racer DS

Ridge Racer DS

The Gameboy Advance had its fair share of lazy ports that dragged it down and now it would appear that the DS may be heading to a similar fate. The touch screen controls in this game is completely unnecessary and doesn’t add anything to the experience and while porting a N64 game to the DS might sound impressive but the gameplay and graphics definitely suffered.

Gameplay: It’s still Ridge Racer but the fun is spoiled by the shoddy controls.

Graphics: This is barely better than what a mobile phone can offer.

Sound: Not great but not terrible either

Asphalt Urban GT

Asphalt Urban GT

I really wanted to like this game and be convinced that the DS is capable of an awesome 3D racing game but Asphalt Urban GT is a severe letdown. The graphics look downright low budget on certain levels and the bizarre collision detection makes the races more frustrating than fun. The audio is also a bit of a lost cause. Unless you can get it for very cheap and have nothing better I can’t recommend this.

Gameplay: Had potential but lots of technical glitches.

Graphics: A decent effort but suffers from being a N-Gage port.

Sound: Repetitive car sounds and lackluster music