Fallout 4 Far Harbor

Fallout 4 Far Harbor

What starts as a missing person’s case from Valentine’s Detective Agency quickly becomes an eerie adventure on a desolate island in this Fallout 4 DLC. In contrast to the previous DLC for the game, Far Harbor adds a massive new area to the game, along with plenty of story content. While there’s still lots of exploring to be done and things to kill, this DLC also takes more creative risks and requires players to make more meaningful choices. In addition, the atmosphere is quite different from that of the Commonwealth, and the island offers a nice change of scenery.

Gameplay: The greater emphasis on story elements and choices should make Far Harbor more appealing to old-school Fallout fans.

Graphics: The foggy environments of Far Harbor make for creepy exploration, and there are plenty of memorable locations to discover.

Sound: While there are no new radio stations, the music in Far Harbor is quite moody, and the voice acting is good

Fallout 4

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 casts players in the role of a vault dweller who wakes up from cryogenic stasis and sets out into the wasteland of The Commonwealth to locate a lost family member. The game is still an addictive experience with plenty of exploration, shooting, and looting, but the streamlined role-playing mechanics will disappoint fans of New Vegas. The new additions, such as settlements and crafting, are neat, but the series is veering more toward first-person shooter territory, which comes at a cost of less in-depth role-playing mechanics. There are still hours of fun to be had, and it’s the most accessible entry in the series, but there’s always the lingering feeling that it could have been even better.

Gameplay: With a vast game world, plenty of quests, and a ton of action, the game is fun to play, but it is definitely less of a role-playing experience compared to New Vegas.

Graphics: The game looks great, especially when using the high-resolution textures and features varied locations, but the animations can still be janky at times.

Sound: Fallout 4 features decent voice acting, a great soundtrack, and the usual assortment of incredible classic licensed tunes