

With its Steampunk fantasy setting and fleshed out characters Icebound is a Western visual novel that definitely shouldn’t be overlooked. The writing is for the most part very good and the story features plenty of intrigue. The visuals are a bit rough in places, but the excellent soundtrack deserves a special mention. It is a must for visual novel fans, but the puzzle elements and great story will appeal to other players as well.

Gameplay: Icebound features a great story, interesting setting and even some nice puzzle mini-games.

Graphics: Good, but rather uneven.

Sound: No voice acting, but the soundtrack is superb

Eye Of The Beholder

Eye Of The Beholder

As far as classic DOS era First Person Role Playing Games go you can do a lot worse than this AD&D effort. It doesn’t hold your hand and isn’t afraid to put up a stiff challenge, but overall it aged well and still offers hours of enjoyment.

Gameplay: Challenging but also entertaining and addictive.

Graphics: All things considered, not bad.

Sound: Very limited music and feeble sound effects

Reign of Bullets

Reign of Bullets

With tons of weapons and even more enemies to use them on Reign of Bullets is certainly not lacking in the action department. Levels are short, but intense and looting enemies in order to customize your own ship is quite addictive. It also features a striking visual style and offers enough replay value to make it well worth the asking price.

Gameplay: Action packed shooting and addictive ship customization.

Graphics: Bright, colorful and the further you progress the more chaotic things become.

Sound: Decent music and great sound effects

T.E.C. 3001

T.E.C. 3001

T.E.C 3001 is a game where you learn the ropes within a few levels but can spend hours perfecting the moves. The game’s speed is exhilarating, and while there is some trial-and-error involved, it is also very addictive. If you are looking for a game where you can just jump in and get the adrenaline flowing without bothering with storylines or cut scenes, then T.E.C 3001 is a great option, especially for its price.

Gameplay: The game is a fast-paced and challenging runner that can become quite addictive.

Graphics: The visuals are simple but striking without interfering with the gameplay.

Sound: The audio features some fitting tracks and sound effects, but nothing really memorable



Velocity Ultra doesn’t exactly excel in the visual department, but it more than makes up for it with the addictive gameplay. At first glance it looks like a pure vertical shooter, but later levels introduce some nice puzzle elements. With fifty standard levels and plenty of unlockable challenges the game offers more than enough value for money.

Gameplay: Blends classic shooting with some modern puzzle solving.

Graphics: Functional but nothing outstanding.

Sound: Some nice old school style tunes

Wooden Sen’SeY

Wooden Sen’SeY

Wooden Sen’SeY is perfect for gamers looking for an old school platform challenge but prefer modern visuals. With nine unique and varied levels as well as an addictive Time Attack mode, there is a lot to like about Wooden Sen’SeY. It can all be over a bit soon if you rush the game, but completionists will be busy for ages.

Gameplay: Old school platform action at its best.

Graphics: Beautiful and varied.

Sound: Very fitting tunes for each level



Vector allows you to experience the thrill of being chased and pulling off some wicked parkour moves without the need to memorize millions of button combinations. Things start off very simple, but the difficulty ramps up quickly and perfecting the levels require patience and practice. This is definitely a game that offers a lot at and at a very reasonable price.

Gameplay: Easy to play but very challenging to master.

Graphics: The game looks good in high resolution, but the animations steal the show.

Sound: The audio is good for getting the adrenaline flowing

Ultima 7: The Black Gate

Ultima 7: The Black Gate

This might just be one of the best Role Playing experiences ever created by Origin Systems. A huge world to explore and interact with and hundreds of characters to talk to. The scope of this quest is vast and this significantly raises the ante for future role playing games.

Gameplay: A vast world to explore with tons of things to see and do.

Graphics: A big step up from Ultima 6.

Sound: Not bad considering how long you will spend listening to the tunes

To the Moon

To the Moon

Light on gameplay but heavy on story, To The Moon, had us hooked right from the start and never once let go until the end. The retro visuals do not detract from the experience, and the emotional soundtrack will stay with you long after the end credits have rolled. This is one of those games that proves why you do not need a huge budget to tell a great story.

Gameplay: Admittedly, it is little more than a visual novel, but this does not detract from the experience.

Graphics: The game features 16-bit retro-style visuals.

Sound: To The Moon impresses with its hauntingly beautiful piano tunes



Submerged provides a relaxing and compelling experience without requiring quick reflexes or lateral thinking. Some players will find this boring and repetitive, while others will revel in the tranquil atmosphere and beautiful environments. Despite the climbing and exploration Submerged is closer to titles such as Dear Esther instead of Assassins Creed, but it is definitely something fans of the genre will enjoy.

Gameplay: Submerged offers a stress-free and tranquil experience that is devoid of combat or puzzles.

Graphics: The water and lighting effects are great, and the environments look downright beautiful at times.

Sound: The haunting soundtrack is a great match for the atmosphere of the game