The Sun and Moon

The Sun and Moon

Don’t let the simple visuals fool you, The Sun and Moon is a devious platform title with a very interesting ground diving mechanic. Being able to jump into the ground means you’ll have to approach platforming in a whole new manner and makes for a challenging, but addictive experience. In addition to the arresting gameplay the game features a nice soundtrack by Dubmood and very responsive controls that keeps you in control of the action at all times.

Gameplay: It takes a while to wrap your head around the ground diving mechanic, but it makes for a challenging experience.

Graphics: Very minimal, but ensures that the focus is on the action.

Sound: Some fitting tunes provided by Dubmood



While Chariot might look like a typical platform title, the added challenge of lugging a coffin on wheels around with you everywhere makes a big difference to how it plays. Making the experience even more entertaining is the inclusion of the local co-op mode where teamwork is required to escort the dead king to his final resting place. Thanks to its quirky gameplay and solid challenge it’s hard to beat Chariot, but you had better make sure that you have a controller ready.

Gameplay: Great in single player and even better when played with a friend helping out.

Graphics: Very polished and the cartoon style visuals are quite charming.

Sound: Nice tunes and great voice acting

Master Reboot

Master Reboot

I did not know what to expect when I entered the world of Master Reboot and the game delighted in surprising me around every turn. The way that the gameplay shifts depending on what memories you are reliving makes for a memorable experience and the creepy atmosphere will keep you on the edge of your seat. If you want to experience a game that is quite unlike anything else, do yourself a favor and check out Master Reboot.

Gameplay: Each memory offers new surprises and ways to play.

Graphics: The art style is very unique and features some breathtaking environments.

Sound: The audio compliments the atmosphere of the game nicely



BlazeRush offers a combination of polished visuals, responsive controls, and all-out action, which make it a hard title to put down once you are hooked. With tons of cars to choose from, fantastic weapon power-ups, and well-designed tracks, this game can keep you playing for a long time. The single-player campaign is excellent for learning the ropes, but ideally, this is a game that you’ll want to play with your friends, either local or online.

Gameplay: The game is incredibly addictive in both single and multiplayer, which doesn’t happen often.

Graphics: The visuals are detailed, polished, and very vibrant, which makes the game a pleasure to look at.

Sound: Nice tunes and good sound effects, but no voice acting

Devil’s Dare 悪魔の挑戦

Devil’s Dare 悪魔の挑戦

Devil’s Dare isn’t afraid to challenge you and mock you for your pitiful skills, but it is also very rewarding and surprisingly addictive. The pixel art visuals are very stylish, although a little on the monochrome side, and packs a lot of charm. The lack of online co-op is obviously a bummer, but understandable for a game like this. To get the most out of Devil’s Dare you are going to have to actually play it enough to become good at it, which is something that can’t be said for many games these days.

Graphics: Charming and detailed pixel art visuals, but not a lot of color.

Sound: The music sounds like something straight out of the Arcade era.

Gameplay. Unforgiving, but very rewarding and addictive

Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror

Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror

For some challenging puzzle-based gameplay with a spooky twist, look no further than Poltergeist: A Pixelated Horror. The game features charming visuals, an appropriately spooky soundtrack, and plenty of puzzles that will have you racking your brain for the solution. The pixelated visuals are not exactly cutting-edge, but the addictive gameplay makes the game hard to put down. Overall, it is quite an impressive offering from a small studio and worth checking out.

Gameplay: Use your puzzle-solving skills and supernatural powers to scare some pesky people from your haunted house.

Graphics: The game features an interesting blend of 2D sprites and 3D objects with a pixel art twist.

Gameplay: The audio consists of spooky tunes and plenty of screams

The Nightmare Cooperative

The Nightmare Cooperative

A sixteen level rogue-like with small, screen sized levels might not sound like much, but The Nightmare Cooperative might just surprise you. There is a large selection of characters and controlling them all at the same time is certainly a unique, not to mention challenging experience. Learning how to play the game is a breeze, but truly mastering it will keep you busy for quite some time.

Gameplay: Simple to play, but requires more strategy than you might think.

Graphics: The vector art style is very distinctive.

Sound: The tunes are not exactly catchy, but very fitting

Toast Time

Toast Time

It would be easy to dismiss Toast Time based on its simple visuals, but doing so would rob you of quite an addictive and challenging experience. Using a toaster to battle interdimensional enemies intent on destroying your alarm clock is just as goofy as it sounds, but this doesn’t stop the game from being a lot of fun.

Gameplay: Toast Time captures the “just one more go” spirit of the simple arcade games from yesteryear.

Graphics: The visuals are very simple but quite charming, especially with all the ways to customize TERRY.

Sound: The audio is great, and each level has its own catchy tune