Team GAMERamble Plays Killing Floor 2 With Custom Rules

Team GAMERamble Plays Killing Floor 2 With Custom Rules

What happens when you need a break from all the killing and surviving in Killing Floor 2 on Hell on Earth difficulty? You drop the difficulty down to Hard and make up your own rules, of course! Join Team GAMERamble for something a little different this time as we tackle the perils of Prison and Farmhouse in Killing Floor 2 while making up the rules as we go along. From only being allowed to use pistols as blunt force weapons to fighting a boss using only melee weapons, no rule is too stupid or far-fetched! Watch as dark_cloud gets a crovel in return for an upgraded shotgun, listen to bionoid get annoyed at kills being stolen, and laugh at Mrs. Cloud and her neverending feud with crawlers.


  1. bionoid March 8, 2021

    Well in all fairness, that bloat was mine first ^_^

    • dark_cloud March 8, 2021

      All is fair in war and Killing Floor!

  2. Numbi March 8, 2021

    Drinking game… take a swig every time Cloud steals a kill!

    • dark_cloud March 8, 2021

      Don’t take a swig every time Mrs. Cloud complains about crawlers or you will get alcohol poisoning.

      • Riordeen March 8, 2021

        Mr Stark I don’t feel so good

  3. Fastjones March 8, 2021

    Funny but i hope the site is not going to begin shifting more towards streaming/youtube over the written reviews. I enjoy reading reviews and stuff at work but youtube is blocked.

    • Numbi March 8, 2021

      No shift to Youtube planned. Written reviews were published today and last week, so no slowdown there at all – this will stay that way. We play co-op games together in any case and have just decided to start recording some of our sessions and sharing it with the GAMERamble audience.

      • Fastjones March 8, 2021

        Glad to hear it!

  4. GianGOTango March 9, 2021

    Unpopular opinion here but I dont like the way they turned KF2 into an action game over the horror game that KF1 was. All the monsters in KF2 look like they are in steriods and not the scary creatures they were in KF1. Even with things like the Fleshpound, in KF1 they could wipe out your entire team if you were stupid enough to make them rage. In KF2 anyone can tank them with a knife and kill them easily.

    • Numbi March 9, 2021

      Very valid point. Initially, I was extremely resistant to moving to KF2 from KF1 because it is such a different game. It IS a very different (less scary) experience and took a lot of getting used to, but KF2 grew on me.

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