Ten Questions With… Peter Wagner (One Man Band Games)

Ten Questions With… Peter Wagner (One Man Band Games)

One Man Band Games recently released a PC version for Blowy Fish on Steam and we were pleasantly surprised by this simple, yet addictive title. After reaching out to Peter, the solo developer behind the game, he was kind enough to not only answer our questions, but also provide us with some keys to give away to our readers. Check out the widget at the end of the interview for a chance to win your own copy of the game

Press X to Not Die

Press X to Not Die

Combining quick time events with nothing more than full motion videos sound like a recipe for disaster and yet Press X Not To Die is way more fun than it has any right to be. Designed to be a throwback to the “interactive movie” titles of the early 90s, the game throws you headfirst into what seems to be a zombie apocalypse. The whole town is in chaos, people are viciously attacking each other and the only advice you got from a friend before he is murdered is to “press X not to die.”

Reverse Crawl

Reverse Crawl

Nerdook once again impresses with a title that delivers turn-based strategy in an engaging, humorous and very accessible manner. The visuals are charming, the gameplay addictive and although short, there are enough reasons to replay the game a couple of times. Anyone looking for a turn-based strategy title that can be enjoyed without a degree in military tactics should definitely add Reverse Crawl to their library.

Gameplay: Easy to play, but with enough depth to keep it interesting right to the end.

Graphics: Features the typical charming Nerdook visual style.

Sound: No voice acting, but the music is pleasant enough

Dusty Revenge:Co-Op Edition

Dusty Revenge:Co-Op Edition

Don’t let the cartoon style visuals fool you, Dusty Revenge is a brutal and violent game. It is also a very playable game with satisfying combat where you can pull off plenty of combo attacks. The game feels all lot like classic side scrolling beat ’em ups like TMNT and Streets of Rage. The co-op mode also adds to the fun, although sadly it is local only.

Gameplay: Traditional side scrolling beat ’em up.

Graphics: Beautiful backgrounds and unique character designs.

Sound: Fitting music and solid sound effects

All Guns On Deck (Decaying Logic)

All Guns On Deck (Decaying Logic)

Seemingly satisfied with dominating the jigsaw puzzle genre on Steam, Decaying Logic has turned their attention naval combat. Well, strategy, real time tactics, action RPG, and naval combat to be exact. Combining all these genres into something that not only works, but is actually fun to play is quite a task, which is why the developers opted for Early Access to ensure everything is done right

Legends of Solitaire: Curse of the Dragons

Legends of Solitaire: Curse of the Dragons

Legends of Solitaire: Curse of the Dragons is another game that retains all the addictive elements of Solitaire, but mixes in some other cool features as well. The fantasy setting is great as it allows for plenty of varied backgrounds, while the use of items and abilities during levels keeps things interesting. With 400 rounds to conquer this is a game that will keep players hooked for ages.

Gameplay: The game is addictive and poses quite a challenge on the Hard difficulty setting.

Graphics: The widescreen support is nice and the game features tons of backgrounds.

Sound: The soundtrack is relaxing, if a little melancholic, and the voice acting is also quite good



Redshirt is not a game for people that want to jump in and be impressed right away. It takes a while to get used to the interface and what the game expects of you, but once you are hooked it is easy to lose hours. There is a lot of replay value here, but it can feel like a repetitive grind at times. Don’t be fooled by the visuals either as this game requires a lot of strategic planning if you want to survive the perils of being a redshirt.

Gameplay: Keeping track of everything can feel like spinning plates at times.

Graphics: Functional and streamlined.

Sound: Dramatic music and fitting sound effects



Pulstar is a very straightforward arcade shooter so depending on your taste you will either find it a refreshing blast from the past or become frustrated after only a few minutes. It definitely packs quite a challenge and the difficulty ramps up very quickly, so quick reflexes and a bit of luck is required to make the most of it. If you enjoyed games like Geometry Wars and Beat Hazard you will have fun with Pulstar.

Gameplay: Straightforward and challenging arcade shooter.

Graphics: Nice, but it can be hard to distinguish the enemies from the background at times.

Sound: The sound effects lack punch, but the music is very catchy

The Novelist

The Novelist

While The Novelist is rather limited as a game, it does pack a great story that is engaging enough to forgive the repetition involved. Playing as a ghostly presence that becomes embroiled in the lives of the Kaplan family is engrossing stuff and the game knows how to tug at the heartstrings. Although short you will want to go back for more if only to see the consequences of making different choices.

Gameplay: The focus is definitely more on the story than on the gameplay.

Graphics: The painterly look fits the game well.

Sound: Mellow music and decent voice acting

KickBeat Steam Edition

KickBeat Steam Edition

I have played many Rhythm action games over the years and KickBeat is definitely one that is as entertaining to watch as it is to play. Defeating opponents to the beat of the music is exhilarating stuff and it is made even better by the smooth animations. If you tire of the included music you can also import your own giving this game a lot of replay value.

Gameplay: A unique take on the Rhythm action genre.

Graphics: The visuals have been enhanced for the Steam release and look better than ever.

Sound: Six new tracks boost the complete list to a total of 24 tunes