The Waste Land

The Waste Land

The Waste Land is a great entry in the genre and while it is not without its flaws has plenty to offer fans. The gameworld is absolutely huge and the retro inspired visuals are spot on. There are also plenty of enemies to battle as well as huge bosses that take some skill to take down. The open world design is great for players who want to forge their own routes through the game, but can be confusing to those who don’t. Some areas, such as the combat, could have been made more engaging, but fans of the genre will still find plenty to enjoy.

Graphics: Imaginative, gory and very true to the 8-bit titles from which it draws inspiration.

Sound: Some nice tunes, but they repeat way too often which causes repetition.

Gameplay: Challenging and entertaining, but could have been a little more rewarding

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Combining one of the best RPG developers out there with one of the hottest licences you can get was always going to result in something spectacular and KOTOR does not dissapoint. With memorable characters and settings, a gripping storyline and engrossing gameply this is a must have title for RPG fans and Star Wars fans alike.

Gameplay: Very enjoyable and deeply engrossing.
Graphics: Some awesome locations and spectacular light saber battles.
Sound: Good voice acting and great music

Kana: Little Sister

Kana: Little Sister

Don’t play Kana: Little Sister if you expect a typical Hentei game and don’t play it if you are not a fan of reading and drama. If you can appreciate a good story with well written characters and a lot of heart ache then I can’t recommend this game enough. It’s definitely one of the crowning achievements in its genre.

Gameplay: It’s a visual novel so the gameplay consists of lots of clicking with the occasional multiple choice question.
Graphics: Nicely drawn characters but the focus is firmly on the story.
Sound: Minimal sound effects, no voices but touching music



Its always good to go into a game with no expectations and be pleasantly surprised. Dogfighter is a highly addictive experience that will have you chasing rankings and achievements long into the night. A great game from a great indie developer.

Gameplay: All the fun and maddness of a first person shooter but with added dimensions.
Graphics: Stylish & detailed.
Sound: Good sound effects but the limited music gets a bit repetitive

Plants Vs Zombies: Game Of The Year Edition PC Review

Plants Vs Zombies: Game Of The Year Edition PC Review

Plants Vs Zombies is just one of those games that you won’t be able to put down. It’s jam packed with enough content to keep you playing for a long time as well. If you only ever buy one game of this type make sure it is this one. You won’t regret it.

Gameplay: Beyond addictive. Once you are hooked there’s no turning back.
Graphics: Looks like a Flash game but still pretty nice.
Sound: Goofy and catchy

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Want to see the Star Wars universe from they eyes of a clone trooper? Forget Jedi powers this is brutal squad based combat at it’s best. A unique and entertaining chapter in the Star Wars saga.

Gameplay: Very entertaining and utilizing a easy to use squad system.
Graphics: Nothing groundbreaking but pretty nice.
Sound: Awesome voice overs and high quality music



Eversion is a very niche platform game that is definitely not going to be to everyone’s liking but fortunately there is a free version available that should give you an indication if this is a game for you or not. Just be sure to play more than just one level as things get progressively more interesting…

Gameplay: Pure platforming with a unique twist.

Graphics: Call it retro or call it dated but it has a style and charm of its own.

Sound: Plays a big part in the games atmosphere and is nicely done

Cannon Brawl

Cannon Brawl

Cannon Brawl is an extremely addictive title that manages to blend together several genres without making any compromises. The action is fast paced, but strategic thinking is rewarded and the balance is also very good. While the Adventure mode isn’t very long, the AI battles and multiplayer modes will keep you coming back for more. If you are looking for an entertaining title to play against friends, either online or local, Cannon Brawl should be high on your wishlist.

Gameplay: Fast paced, challenging and very addictive.

Graphics: Colorful and polished, but the visuals can be a bit cluttered at times.

Sound: A decent soundtrack and good sound effects

Fading Hearts

Fading Hearts

Fading Hearts was a pleasant surprise, more so when I discovered that it is not by a Japanese company. A nice combination of visual novel, dating sim and role playing that has plenty of things to discover. Definitely a title that you will want to complete more than once.

Gameplay: Much more to see and do than typical visual novels.
Graphics: Nice characters and backgrounds, pity about the monsters.
Sound: Very nice

Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip To Japan

Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip To Japan

While this game isn’t aimed at the typical visual novel fan, it serves as a nice introduction to the genre as well as the culture. The link to Google street view photos of the locations you visit is an inspired touch and you can pick up some interesting tips and facts about Japan.

Gameplay: A short but enjoyable tour of Japan.
Graphics: Nice apart from the recycled visuals.
Sound: No voices and recycled music