Memory’s Dogma CODE:01

Memory’s Dogma CODE:01

Memory’s Dogma: CODE1 kicks off with a very interesting premise as far as visual novels go and initially seems like it is going to be an epic science fiction yarn. While the story doesn’t exactly live up to expectations, it remains interesting throughout and doesn’t end on a cliffhanger as one would expect from an episodic release. The visuals and audio in the game are surprisingly good for an indie title, so it is definitely worth checking out if you are a fan of the genre. The characters and story didn’t’ exactly blow us away, but does have a lot more depth than all the fan-service oriented slice of life visual novels that are all the rage these days.

Gameplay: No branching paths and the story doesn’t quite live up to its initial premise, but overall very decent.

Graphics: Polished, detailed and featuring some nice character designs.

Sound: The music is varied while the Japanese voice acting is top notch

Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood

Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood

The Mists of Ravenwood is another solid hidden object game from Artifex Mundi, one of the most respected developers in the genre. It takes place after the events of The Ghosts of Maple Creek and features another gripping adventure for the detective protagonist to solve. Improvements, such as the polished visuals and fast travel system, make the game more enjoyable to play while the story remains engaging throughout thanks to the “evidence board” feature. If you are a fan of the genre and enjoyed the original then The Mists of Ravenwood should not be missed.

Gameplay: Not too difficult, but remains fun to play all the way through.

Graphics: The hand drawn scenes are stylish, detailed and very interesting.

Sound: A little too similar to the original for our taste, but the sound effects are great

Hitman Is A Sure Shot For Game Of The Year Contention

Hitman Is A Sure Shot For Game Of The Year Contention

It’s that time of the year again, when people are putting together their best of the year lists for pretty much everything—including video games, of course. One game that has turned into a wonderful surprise is the latest episodic iteration of the Hitman franchise. It’s completely reinvigorated Agent 47 and positively slayed the competition

Have Fun And Help Save Lives With Water Heroes: A Game For Change

Have Fun And Help Save Lives With Water Heroes: A Game For Change

Some games are fun, others are challenging and a few can even be very relaxing. Water Heroes: A Game For Change by Insignio Labs are all of the above while also giving you the opportunity to help save lives. This is because half of the game’s revenue will be donated directly to project ClearWater, which is aimed at bringing clean water to the people of Ecuador. This is certainly a very worthy cause, but the actual game is definitely worthwhile too

Stargazers from Lupiesoft Out Now

Stargazers from Lupiesoft Out Now

Visual novel fans who have been eagerly awaiting the latest release from Lupiesoft, The Stargazers, will be happy to hear that it is out now on Steam, MangaGamer and The game, which is inspired by pulp sci-fi, follows the adventures of three pilots who are part of the Allied Defense Force Signals. These girls are tasked with venturing deep into uncharted space and then explore the hell out of it

Sakura Nova

Sakura Nova

The setting and characters are all good, but nothing ever happens to really make you care about either. The game does feature a free patch to add back all the censored content, so anyone looking for a nukige title will probably enjoy Sakura Nova. Unfortunately, those looking for a memorable story or plan on playing without the patch are likely to be disappointed.

Gameplay: There are choices to be made and three different endings, but the story is a bit lacking.

Graphics: Like other titles in the Sakura series the visuals are beautiful, but static.

Sound: Not much to say about the music, but the voice acting is pretty good

DoDonPachi Resurrection

DoDonPachi Resurrection

Not everyone enjoys navigating a hail of bullets with pinpoint precision while retaliating with excessive firepower, but if bullet hell shooters are your thing then you can’t go wrong with DoDonPachi Resurrection. The story will probably be lost on most players and the game can be very daunting at first, but it packs a wealth of modes and options. The action is relentless and chasing highscores is undeniably addictive. This Steam version does suffer from a couple of minor issues, but overall it is a great example of the genre and one that all shooter fans will want to add to their collection.

Gameplay: The action is relentless, but very addictive.

Graphics: Good, but the playing area is rather small and mostly filled with bullets.

Sound: The soundtrack is fast paced and upbeat while the sound effects deserves to be cranked up high

Princess Maker 2 Refine – Original Soundtrack Available On Steam

Princess Maker 2 Refine – Original Soundtrack Available On Steam

Good news for fans of Princess Maker 2 Refine, the life simulation game recently released on Steam by Korean company, CFK. Following the positive reception of the game, CFK has now also made the Princess Maker 2 Refine original soundtrack available on Valve’s digital distribution platform

Wonder Boy Returns (CFK Co., Ltd.)

Wonder Boy Returns (CFK Co., Ltd.)

Not content with finally bringing Princess Maker 2 Refine to English speaking audiences, CFK, is also bringing a high definition remake of the original Wonder Boy to Steam. The first game in the series was released back in 1986 and made quite an impression in the arcades thanks to its fast paced side scrolling action. The success of the game also resulted in numerous ports and spin-off titles across various formats

Princess Maker 2 Refine

Princess Maker 2 Refine

It has been quite a long wait, but Princess Maker 2 Refine is finally available to western audiences. There is no denying that it is a very niche title and still has a couple of rough edges to smooth out, but it is still a very addictive title with plenty of replay value. Prepare to lose at least a couple of hours when you get hooked on this game.

Gameplay: Very stat heavy, but once you get the hang of how things work it becomes extremely addictive.

Graphics: The visuals have been spruced up, but still look a little dated compared to more modern titles.

Sound: Nice tunes and full Japanese voice overs