Untitled Goose Game allows players to waddle around as a large goose who is on a mission to annoy everyone as much as possible. It’s a charming and whimsical game that had us laughing out loud at times. Some of the objectives are more amusing than others, but each new area we unlocked was a treat to explore and trash. Unfortunately, with only four main areas and a short final location, the game can be completed in a matter of hours. There’s some extra fun to be had with the new, harder objectives you are given, but these are still restricted to the old locations. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a lighthearted game or want a stealth puzzler without the usual blood and violence, then Untitled Goose Game is a good choice.
Gameplay: Unique and entertaining, but very short.
Graphics: Very charming and colorful.
Sound: The piano-based soundtrack is a good match for the style of the game