Ten Questions With… Jake & Zach (Hypercane Studios)

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Rage Runner recently made the jump to PC and had us hooked with its challenging, but addictive gameplay. The game epitomizes the “just one more try” gameplay and is one of those titles that will keep you coming back for more no matter how punishing it gets. We caught up with Jake and Zach, the two brothers responsible for Rage Runner to tell us more about their game.
Can you give our readers a quick introduction of yourself and the studio?
Hypercane Studios consists of two brothers, Jake and Zach. We live in Vancouver, WA (US not Canada) and honestly we’re pretty much newbs in the game industry. We’ve been hacking away at various side-projects since 2011 just because doing that kind of stuff is super fun. Rage Runner was our first major title to be completed.
We’re both married, Jake has a 5 year old princess, Zach has 2 dogs. We do our indie development out of our homes.

How did the idea for Rage Runner come about?
What are the games that influenced you and how?

What features of Rage Runner are you the most proud of?
Probably what is most satisfying to us is that we successfully created a game that is both difficult and satisfying. We’ve played these levels more than anyone, so when we die and say “ok, just one more time”… that’s something we’re proud of. As far as features that are visible to the player, the freedom of choosing powerups and also how some levels are designed so perfectly around the music that they give you chills.
We hit a spot in the development where the game felt alright but it was missing that special something to make it more demanding than the typical runner. Adding the vertical ship control was kind of our eureka moment for Rage Runner. We still remember the day we put it in and designed a level around it. It took the gameplay from fun to badass!
What was the biggest challenge while creating Rage Runner?

What aspect of creating the game was the most fun?
In hindsight is there anything that you would have changed about the game?

What are the future plans for Rage Runner/Hypercane Studios?

What is the most unusual thing on your desk right now?
Zach: The most unusual things on my desk are a soldering iron and a gorilla pod that’s being used as a microphone stand.
Jake: My most unusual thing on my desk would have to be a non-slip kitchen mat under my keyboard.

Anything else you would like to add?
You can check out our review for Rage Runner HERE to see why it is such a great title and then head over to the Steam Store to grab yourself a copy. We look forward to seeing what Jake and Zach comes up with next and can’t wait to see that “best game in the world” they have planned for the future! Thanks for answering our questions guys it has been a blast.