Rogue Invader by Squishy Games

Rogue Invader by Squishy Games

PC titles that mimic the 16-bit, 8-bit and even 2-bit titles of yesteryear are nothing new, but encountering a 1-bit title in 2015 is still a bit unusual. Especially when it is an isometric, rogue-like sidescroller that doesn’t skimp on the action. We were a bit skeptical about the promise of high definition 1-bit graphics, but after playing the press demo of Rogue Invader there is no denying that this game has got plenty of style and charm

The Killer 4 Bundle by Bundle Stars

The Killer 4 Bundle by Bundle Stars

So far all the Killer bundles from Bundle Stars have more than lived up to their names and this fourth offering is definitely no exception. It is becoming harder and harder to find bundles containing games that have never been bundled before, but the Killer Bundle 4 offers just that. Featuring ten titles, half of them with trading cards, at a discount of 96% means this is one bundle that shouldn’t be missed

The Deer God Heading For New Pastures On Xbox One And iOS

The Deer God Heading For New Pastures On Xbox One And iOS

Xbox One owners casting envious glances at the pixel platforming delights of The Deer God on PC will find that Crescent Moon Games have answered their prayers. A recent announcement revealed that the game will soon be gracing the Microsoft console with its divine presence

A Story About My Uncle

A Story About My Uncle

A Story About My Uncle is a unique game that offers plenty of heart-stopping moments, even though there is nothing to kill and no violence. Instead, you traverse some beautiful locations using an energy beam-style grappling hook. Unfortunately, the game is a little on the short side, but it makes up for it with extras and bonuses that increase its longevity. The game is quite an achievement, considering the small team that made it, and it should definitely be high on your wish list.

Gameplay: The feel of grappling over yawning chasms is exhilarating.

Graphics: The game features beautiful visuals and some breathtaking locations.

Sound: The audio is great, although the voice acting sometimes sounds a bit off



With its Steampunk fantasy setting and fleshed out characters Icebound is a Western visual novel that definitely shouldn’t be overlooked. The writing is for the most part very good and the story features plenty of intrigue. The visuals are a bit rough in places, but the excellent soundtrack deserves a special mention. It is a must for visual novel fans, but the puzzle elements and great story will appeal to other players as well.

Gameplay: Icebound features a great story, interesting setting and even some nice puzzle mini-games.

Graphics: Good, but rather uneven.

Sound: No voice acting, but the soundtrack is superb

Eye Of The Beholder

Eye Of The Beholder

As far as classic DOS era First Person Role Playing Games go you can do a lot worse than this AD&D effort. It doesn’t hold your hand and isn’t afraid to put up a stiff challenge, but overall it aged well and still offers hours of enjoyment.

Gameplay: Challenging but also entertaining and addictive.

Graphics: All things considered, not bad.

Sound: Very limited music and feeble sound effects

Reign of Bullets

Reign of Bullets

With tons of weapons and even more enemies to use them on Reign of Bullets is certainly not lacking in the action department. Levels are short, but intense and looting enemies in order to customize your own ship is quite addictive. It also features a striking visual style and offers enough replay value to make it well worth the asking price.

Gameplay: Action packed shooting and addictive ship customization.

Graphics: Bright, colorful and the further you progress the more chaotic things become.

Sound: Decent music and great sound effects

T.E.C. 3001

T.E.C. 3001

T.E.C 3001 is a game where you learn the ropes within a few levels but can spend hours perfecting the moves. The game’s speed is exhilarating, and while there is some trial-and-error involved, it is also very addictive. If you are looking for a game where you can just jump in and get the adrenaline flowing without bothering with storylines or cut scenes, then T.E.C 3001 is a great option, especially for its price.

Gameplay: The game is a fast-paced and challenging runner that can become quite addictive.

Graphics: The visuals are simple but striking without interfering with the gameplay.

Sound: The audio features some fitting tracks and sound effects, but nothing really memorable



Velocity Ultra doesn’t exactly excel in the visual department, but it more than makes up for it with the addictive gameplay. At first glance it looks like a pure vertical shooter, but later levels introduce some nice puzzle elements. With fifty standard levels and plenty of unlockable challenges the game offers more than enough value for money.

Gameplay: Blends classic shooting with some modern puzzle solving.

Graphics: Functional but nothing outstanding.

Sound: Some nice old school style tunes

Soul Calibur III

Soul Calibur III

The absence of an online mode and the unbalanced A.I detract a bit from the experience, but there is a wealth of single player modes and features to keep you coming back for more. With impressive graphics and a large roster of characters Soul Calibur III remains one of the best fighting games on the system. Patience is definitely required however.

Gameplay: The CPU can be cheap as dirt in single player mode, but the game remains addictive and feature packed.

Graphics: Without a doubt some of the best on the system.

Sound: The music is good, but the announcer and English voice acting starts to grate very quickly