Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories

Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories

Disaster Report 4 is more about the human drama in the aftermath of a huge earthquake than survival, but it is still a very enjoyable experience. The tone of the game is all over the place and the gameplay lacks some polish, but a lot of times this just adds to the charm. This is definitely not a game for everyone, though, so make very sure you know what you are getting into before getting Disaster Report 4.

Gameplay: A unique and very unpredictable experience that lacks polish, but makes up for it with plenty of charm.

Graphics: There are a few epic scenes, but the animations are a little janky.

Sound: The voice-acting is Japanese only and the rest of the audio isn’t exactly memorable

6 Reasons Why Virtual Pinball Machines Are Better

6 Reasons Why Virtual Pinball Machines Are Better

The resurgence in popularity of pinball has created a new market for virtual machines. These machines allow gamers to play digital recreations and mastered versions of classic games, and they can even be connected to your PC and other devices. Where vintage pinball machines are great collector’s items, virtual machines are perhaps a more practical way to preserve the games in history. Don’t let that stop you from investing in a real pinball machine as these are inherently cool, but there are some advantages to virtual machines

Spring Sale On GamersGate

Spring Sale On GamersGate

Whether you are stuck at home and have already played through your entire backlog or want to grow your collection, GamersGate has a nifty Spring Sale going on right now. With promos for games from Funcom, Team 17, Stardock as well as many other publishers there’s sure to be something for everyone. More than 2000 games will go on sale over the next two weeks and GamersGate will also be adding new offers every 3-4 days

Strange Brigade

Strange Brigade

Strange Brigade is an action-packed third-person shooter that is at its best when played in co-op with some friends. It features a nice assortment of characters, each with unique traits and a large variety of undead enemies to eradicate. The inclusion of traps makes for a fun addition to the experience, and the action also slows down occasionally for some puzzle-solving. While Strange Brigade doesn’t excel in any particular area, it’s still a lot of fun and comes highly recommended.

Gameplay: Strange Brigade features lots of action but is best enjoyed with friends in co-op.

Graphics: The visuals look great, but some more variety would have been even better.

Sound: The narrator steals the show, but the music and sound effects are good too

The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds combines some of the best elements from Fallout: New Vegas with a retro-futuristic pulp sci-fi setting. It features plenty of dark humor as well as great dialog and a lot of freedom when it comes to getting in and out of sticky situations. The interface could have been a bit better, but the game still had us hooked for the 30+ hours it took us to complete the main quest and most of the side missions. If you enjoy single-player role-playing games, then you are going to love this one.

Gameplay: Very addictive and while not as vast in scope as other open-world games, you are still given plenty of freedom.

Graphics: The game world is very colorful and there’s plenty of beautiful locations.

Sound: Great voice acting and a good soundtrack

Should You Be Spending Real Money On Virtual Items?

Should You Be Spending Real Money On Virtual Items?

Many of us have spent real money on virtual items in games, whether it be extra pokeballs in Pokemon Go or gems to help us level up in Clash of Clans. While some of us are happy to spend money on these items, others may see it as spending money on nothing. After all, you can’t hold a virtual sword that you’ve bought in a game. What have you really bought with your money?

Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2

With Bayonetta 2 Platinum Games has not just crafted one of the most enjoyable and impressive games on the Wii U, but also a title that can stand with the best of any system. The action is ever bit as over the top as the original game and fans of the character are in for a treat. If you enjoy action games then Bayonetta 2 is simply one of the best titles available.

Gameplay: Bayonetta 2 focuses even more on the in-depth combat that has made the first game such a hit.

Graphics: Impressive for any system let alone the humble Wii U.

Sound: The soundtrack is great as is the sound effects and voice acting

Benefits Of Using A Flash Drive To Install Games

Benefits Of Using A Flash Drive To Install Games

There are times when having it can be beneficial to have a bootable USB drive for Mac because it is great to back up at all times. Why you may want to do this and how to do it are easy and important. Whether you’re playing The Longing or Portal, you can always play via a USB

Tank Mechanic Simulator

Tank Mechanic Simulator

Tank Mechanic Simulator gives you your own museum and workshop before tasking you with restoring World War II tanks to their former glory. It’s a pretty niche title, but surprisingly accessible and actually very addictive once you become hooked. There’s a couple of rough edges and the subject matter is not for everyone, but overall it is a very enjoyable title that is worth your time.

Gameplay: Who knew restoring tanks could be such a relaxing experience.

Graphics: The tank models and environments all look great.

Sound: All the sound effects are decent and there’s plenty of relaxing background tunes

TT Isle of Man – Ride on the Edge 2

TT Isle of Man – Ride on the Edge 2

TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 allows players to take on one of the most dangerous and exciting events on the motorcycle sports calendar without having to risk their lives. With online races, an event filled career mode as well as free-roaming challenges this is a game that will keep you busy for hours. However, despite being a serious simulator the game is still accessible enough that newcomers can learn the ropes without giving up in frustration. Even with some rough edges, this is still a game that comes highly recommended to all fans of the genre.

Gameplay: The races are intense and the sense of speed exhilarating.

Graphics: Could be better in spots, but there are also some breathtaking vistas.

Sound: Decent, but the realistic wind noises definitely add to the thrill