Fallen Tear : The Ascension First Look Video

Fallen Tear : The Ascension First Look Video

Fallen Tear: The Ascension is a hand-crafted 2D open-world Metroidvania title developed by Winter Crew and Published by CMD Studios. While the game is not ready for release yet a brand new Demo was just released on Steam for players to try out. In this first look video, we put the protagonist, Hira, through his paces while encountering a few of the unique characters who can assist him during his mission.


  1. Stephen April 6, 2021

    Thanks for the article! 🙂

  2. Numbi April 6, 2021

    This is such a pretty game!

  3. Spenser87 April 6, 2021

    Cool to see gameplay but i hope theres a way to make the walljump not be a button. Most metroid-vanias do the grab automatically and dont require you to hold a button.

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