Final Game In Blackwell Saga Releases On App Store February 18

Final Game In Blackwell Saga Releases On App Store February 18

February 18 2016 will be a bittersweet day for fans of the Blackwell series as it is the date that the final title hits the App Store. The previous four adventures, Legacy, Unbound, Convergence and Deception were all well received by fans of retro-style adventures and Epiphany looks like it won’t be an exception.

The star of the series, Rosa Blackwell, found herself in the company of a jazz era ghost named Joey Mallone after inheriting her unique family legacy. She also discovered a knack for helping the recently-dead cross over to the other side, a talent that served her well in her adventures. The fifth and final title in the series, Blackwell 5: Epiphany, will be her toughest challenge yet as it pits her against a malevolent force that can tear souls apart.

Players who somehow managed to miss out on the previous four titles can rectify the situation by grabbing them at a huge discount from the App Store. Until the release of Epiphany on February 18, the other games in the series are on sale for only $0.99 each.

Check out the screenshots and trailer for Blackwell 5: Epiphany below and don’t forget to take advantage of the sale to catch up on Blackwell 1: Legacy, Blackwell 2: Unbound, Blackwell 3: Convergence, and Blackwell 4: Deception.

1 Comment

  1. Nekoblux February 4, 2016

    Broke my heart when I played this on PC, don’t think I want to go through that again on my phone. Great game and a great series.

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