Deliver Us The Moon by KeokeN Interactive

Deliver Us The Moon by KeokeN Interactive

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Open world games are rather common these days, all vying to outdo each other in terms of scale and content, but not many literally promise you the moon. Deliver Us The Moon, from Dutch developers KeokeN Interactive, casually mentions “open world lunar exploration” as a feature, which should be enough to get any science fiction fan salivating. The game casts players in the role of a rogue astronaut who is sent to the moon on a secret mission to save humanity from extinction.

We got to spend some hands on time with the game and to say that we were blown away would be an understatement. The most striking thing about the game is the visuals which, even in the early version we played, already compares very favorably to most of the big budget AAA releases on the market. This is thanks to it being developed using Unreal Engine 4 and the fact that the developers are clearly not lacking in ambition.

Deliver Us The Moon has already been Greenlit on Steam and if all goes well the first episode is planned for August of this year. It will be a story driven experience and will be delivered across a total of five separate episodes. The demo version we played offered a glimpse of some of the hazards the astronaut will face, such as non-oxygenated zones, but the final product will be filled with other environmental hazards as well. It’s not just all doom and gloom either as there will be a jetpack and vehicles at your disposal too! Saving the world is a lonely job, but a small robot named ASE will be on hand to accompany players as they explore the abandoned facilities on the lunar surface.

The game will be playable in 1st and 3rd person perspective and if the demo is anything to go by will offer a very immersive experience. Don’t just take our word for it though, check out the WSA Space Center that the developers created in Unreal Engine 4 to find out more what the full game will offer.

Deliver Us The Moon is certainly one of our most anticipated titles of the year and we highly recommend that anyone with even a passing interest in the genre check out the Kickstarter. For more information don’t forget to follow the developers on Twitter or Facebook.

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