Witch Boy Magical Piece by Sekai Project

Witch Boy Magical Piece by Sekai Project

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Out now on Kickstarter and in need of some love is Witch Boy Magical Piece from Rosemary House and Sekai Project. In contrast to most of the previous titles from Sekai Project, this localization falls in the Boy’s Love genre. Although already Greenlit by the Steam community, Witch boy Magical Piece is still in need of some serious support on Kickstarter to have a chance of reaching its funding goal.

The visual novel takes place in a world where mysterious aliens known as “Creatures” are invading the planet. Since the Creatures appear to be impervious to conventional attacks, it falls to a private military company to reverse-engineer a power from the alien world in a bid to strike back. This results in the development of the “Magical Power”, but the catch is that it can only be wielded by certain individuals, known as the “Witches.” In a further twist of fate, these witches are not female, but the magical power changes them into ones. However, the transformation is only physical, which means in their hearts they are still male! It is certainly a very interesting concept and according to Sekai Project will allow the characters to go on an exploration of their own gender identity.

Sekai Project are certainly no strangers to using crowd funding to bring visual novels to the Englis-speaking markets as seen by their Kickstarters for CLANNAD, The Grisaia Trilogy, WORLD END ECONOMIiCA –Complete-, Memory’s Dogma and others. However, Witch boy Magical piece is definitely a much more niche title, which means for it to reach its $57,000 Kickstarter goal fans of the genre will really have to rally behind it. Incidentally, the higher cost is due to the money needed for the Steam port, the translation as well as for re-using the voice acting.

For more information about the game, including character profiles and a breakdown of all the rewards, visit the official Kickstarter page. Sekai Project recently added even more rewards for backers to choose from, including a physical art book, dakimakura pillow case and more, so don’t miss out!

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1 Comment

  1. Skyblerick October 7, 2015

    After reading their KS page I’m more confused than ever. Are these guys gay? Lesbian? Bisexual? Transexual? I haven’t been this perplexed since X-change 3.

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