The Most Anticipated VR Games in 2022
Virtual reality is mostly known for its use in games. It could be said that Sega was the first company to attempt VR gaming, way back in the ’80s. That said, the company’s Master System 3D glasses don’t exactly match our concept of VR today. They were essentially VR-powered shades that showed 3D effects while users played particular titles (such as Space Harrier and Maze Hunter) on other screens. Fast-forward to the 2010s and VR as we now recognize it was introduced –– specifically via the Oculus Rift in 2012. Since then, the VR market has been growing, and it’s predicted that it will hit $12 billion by 2024

Popular games in Australian online casinos
Australian casinos online offer a wide variety of pokies and other popular casino games. At such places you can find various casino games like: classic pokies with three reels, multiple paylines and usually one bonus feature, video and progressive slots, designed to accumulate jackpots and test players’ luck to win a tidy sum. However, there are other types of casino games at gambling sites as well and we will take a look at each of them in more detail below

How Games Bring People Together
Gaming is something that’s getting more and more popular, thanks to its innate draw and the sheer amount of gaming tech that’s being released onto the market every single day. And because of this, millions of people around the world play video games, on any and all platforms and at all times of the day.
And because of this, gaming seems to have its own identity as a medium, even evolving beyond that of art, TV, and film. Indeed, a huge part of the gaming culture is the fact that gaming is known to bring people closer together, and it can do that in a variety of ways. So, let’s go into more detail over them below

5 Ways Video Games Can Improve Your Social Skills
Video games are often mistaken to create isolation. According to studies, video games may have more social benefits than you can ever imagine. But how is this possible?
Studies have found that many gamers are more connected with people outside their physical environment due to the “play with friends” feature on most games. Various gaming platforms, especially those played over the internet, offer people opportunities to create meaningful social connections with their peers

Overcoming The Health Issues That Could Impact Your Ability To Game
Video games have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in modern society. Unlike physical sports, these sorts of titles are far more inclusive than games of the past, giving people of all skill levels the chance to play with one another. Just because something is inclusive, though, it doesn’t always mean that it is accessible. Those suffering from health issues that impact their ability to game will know this all too well. To help you to overcome this problem, this post will be exploring a range of tips and tools that can be used to wipe out the health issues you face when it comes to gaming

Take My Money: 3 Retro Games All Nerds Love!
Gaming has always been a popular pastime for the nerd community. Dare I say it, we popularized gaming! All those years spent on retro gaming machines while other kids played different games, constantly being called nerds. Who’d have thought that in 30 or 40 years’ time, video games would be seen as cool?!

What Will The Future Of Racing Games Look Like?
Do you love racing games? If so, then you might be interested in exploring what racing games could be like in the near future. There are already signs of what might be in store so let’s dive in and explore some of these awesome possibilities

Set Your Systems Up For All Kinds Of Gaming
If you want to make the most of your gaming, then you might want to make sure that you have set your place up for all kinds of gaming possible, or at least all of those which you might actually want to play. There are so many kinds of games from different eras that you might want to consider, and it is important to make sure that you have done whatever you need to in order to set them up well. In this article, we are going to take a look at what might be involved in that process, so that you can ensure you have done it right. You might be surprised at how much you need to do

Best Online Games For 2020!
Lots of online games are huge nowadays, we have been playing them for so long. Whether they’re computer games such as The Sims or League of Legends, you have always got something to occupy your mind. Perhaps you play certain games that could earn you a little extra money, such as mermaid millions slot or online roulette. Games are taking over the world and they have so many benefits. So which games are set to blow up in 2020 and what games could help you focus during this quarantine period