Ten Questions With… Dominique Lemire-Nault (Juicy Beast)

Ten Questions With… Dominique Lemire-Nault (Juicy Beast)

To say that Knigthmare Tower is an addictive title would be an understatement and we still find ourselves having another go every now and then despite completing it multiple times. To find out more about the four man team responsible for our lack or productivity we caught up with Dominique Lemire-Nault

Ten Questions With… Raúl Díez (The Game Kitchen)

Ten Questions With… Raúl Díez (The Game Kitchen)

The Last Door – Collector’s Edition might have had us almost jumping out of our skins a few times, but the compelling story kept us coming back for more. It is not often that a point & click adventure, especially one with intentionally low resolution visuals is able to pull this off so we were very grateful when Raúl Díez, PR and Community Manager for The Game Kitchen answered some of our questions about the game

The Waste Land

The Waste Land

The Waste Land is a great entry in the genre and while it is not without its flaws has plenty to offer fans. The gameworld is absolutely huge and the retro inspired visuals are spot on. There are also plenty of enemies to battle as well as huge bosses that take some skill to take down. The open world design is great for players who want to forge their own routes through the game, but can be confusing to those who don’t. Some areas, such as the combat, could have been made more engaging, but fans of the genre will still find plenty to enjoy.

Graphics: Imaginative, gory and very true to the 8-bit titles from which it draws inspiration.

Sound: Some nice tunes, but they repeat way too often which causes repetition.

Gameplay: Challenging and entertaining, but could have been a little more rewarding

Plants Vs Zombies: Game Of The Year Edition PC Review

Plants Vs Zombies: Game Of The Year Edition PC Review

Plants Vs Zombies is just one of those games that you won’t be able to put down. It’s jam packed with enough content to keep you playing for a long time as well. If you only ever buy one game of this type make sure it is this one. You won’t regret it.

Gameplay: Beyond addictive. Once you are hooked there’s no turning back.
Graphics: Looks like a Flash game but still pretty nice.
Sound: Goofy and catchy

Cloud Chamber Receives First Major Update & Some Discount Coupons

Cloud Chamber Receives First Major Update & Some Discount Coupons

If you own either Frozen Synapse or Frozen Cortex on Steam you might have noticed that a shiny new discount coupon for Cloud Chamber has popped up in your inventory. The two Frozen titles are developed and published by Mode 7, while Cloud Chamber is the brainchild of Investigate North, so you might be wondering what the connection is



Eversion is a very niche platform game that is definitely not going to be to everyone’s liking but fortunately there is a free version available that should give you an indication if this is a game for you or not. Just be sure to play more than just one level as things get progressively more interesting…

Gameplay: Pure platforming with a unique twist.

Graphics: Call it retro or call it dated but it has a style and charm of its own.

Sound: Plays a big part in the games atmosphere and is nicely done

Cannon Brawl

Cannon Brawl

Cannon Brawl is an extremely addictive title that manages to blend together several genres without making any compromises. The action is fast paced, but strategic thinking is rewarded and the balance is also very good. While the Adventure mode isn’t very long, the AI battles and multiplayer modes will keep you coming back for more. If you are looking for an entertaining title to play against friends, either online or local, Cannon Brawl should be high on your wishlist.

Gameplay: Fast paced, challenging and very addictive.

Graphics: Colorful and polished, but the visuals can be a bit cluttered at times.

Sound: A decent soundtrack and good sound effects

Fading Hearts

Fading Hearts

Fading Hearts was a pleasant surprise, more so when I discovered that it is not by a Japanese company. A nice combination of visual novel, dating sim and role playing that has plenty of things to discover. Definitely a title that you will want to complete more than once.

Gameplay: Much more to see and do than typical visual novels.
Graphics: Nice characters and backgrounds, pity about the monsters.
Sound: Very nice

Wasteland Angel

Wasteland Angel

Top-down shooters such as Wasteland Angel offer a nice quick burst of arcade action but tend to suffer from being repetitive. The idea behind this game is nice enough, but the small arenas that force you to stick close to the towns you have to protect all feel too similar. The lack of enemy variety doesn’t do this game any favors, either.

Gameplay: Mindless fun but soon becomes repetitive.

Graphics: The overhead visuals are not too bad, but they don’t hold up well in first person.

Sound: The voice acting is decent enough, but the rest is nothing special

The Yawhg

The Yawhg

We were surprised at how short a single playthrough of The Yawgh is, but with more than 50 endings, you’ll definitely want to complete it more than once. The randomly generated story has a surprising amount of depth, and the gorgeous artwork by Emily Carol is a definite plus. The Yawgh is best enjoyed with a group of other players, so if you are a solo player, the experience is just not the same.

Gameplay: While the game is short and simple, it does have tons of replay value.

Graphics: The visuals are great, and Emily Carrol provides her signature artwork for the game.

Sound: The game features a moody soundtrack that adds to the ominous vibe