

Velocity Ultra doesn’t exactly excel in the visual department, but it more than makes up for it with the addictive gameplay. At first glance it looks like a pure vertical shooter, but later levels introduce some nice puzzle elements. With fifty standard levels and plenty of unlockable challenges the game offers more than enough value for money.

Gameplay: Blends classic shooting with some modern puzzle solving.

Graphics: Functional but nothing outstanding.

Sound: Some nice old school style tunes

Poncho (Delve Interactive)

Poncho (Delve Interactive)

Just like any 2D platform game with a shadow motif will probably be compared to Limbo for the foreseeable future, PONCHO is inevitable going to draw comparisons to Fez. From the title and vibrant pixel art visuals to the chiptune soundtrack and world shifting gameplay mechanics there are plenty of similarities. However, we spent some time playing this parallax platformer and it definitely has a unique identity of its own

Quern – Undying Thoughts by Zadbox Entertainment

Quern – Undying Thoughts by Zadbox Entertainment

The point & click adventure genre has seen a resurgence in recent years thanks to indie developers, but we haven’t seen many classic Myst-style puzzle adventures. This is about to change thanks to Zadbox Entertainment and their first major title, Quern – Undying Thoughts. Influenced by the works of Jules Verne and inspired by the visual style of the Myst series, Quern is a first person puzzle adventure where players get to explore a mysterious island



As a launch title I can’t be too hard on Fantavision but apart from the nice colors there isn’t much here that set the game apart visually from the PSone titles. The gameplay is pretty solid, although button mashing can get you pretty far, but once you get the hang of it the novelty soon wears off. Fun while it lasts but not something you’d want to revisit too often.

Gameplay: A bit deeper than it looks initially, but not really up there with the classics.

Graphics: Pretty colors, but that’s about it.

Sound: Mostly dance tunes

Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime

Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime

Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime packs the same innovations introduced by the previous entry in the series, such as rotating puzzle pieces and a sorting tray, but with a brand new theme. The anime illustrations are not only beautiful and colorful, but also a lot of fun to assemble which makes for an addictive experience. The annoying little crabs are also gone, but have been replaced by an equally annoying Pixel Fairy.

Gameplay: Challenging and very addictive.

Graphics: The new anime themed illustrations are beautiful.

Sounds: The music is nice and mellow, but the fairy can become very annoying.

Dimension Drive by 2Awesome Studio

Dimension Drive by 2Awesome Studio

It is not every day that we receive emails from engineers working for the European Space Agency, especially not about a multidimensional alien race attacking our universe! Fortunately the email was about the upcoming action title that the developers are developing in their free time and not about any imminent threat to our universe. Since they were kind enough to provide us with a playable build of the game we were able to get some hands on time with this unique shooter

Please, Don’t Touch Anything

Please, Don’t Touch Anything

Please, Don’t Touch Anything is a devious game that preys on your natural curiosity. You are given one order, but to discover all the hidden secrets the game has to offer you will have to disobey it. What happens after that depends entirely on how good your problem solving skills and lateral thinking are. It is a great game for anyone that enjoys cracking puzzles, but the easily frustrated might want to pass.

Gameplay: Deceptively simple, but the multitude of endings will keep you coming back for more.

Graphics: All the action takes place on a single pixel art screen.

Sound: Some very foreboding and atmospheric chiptune tracks



Bloq features a very simple idea and gameplay mechanics, but implements it in a polished and addictive manner. The puzzles range from very easy to mind boggling, but definitely has the potential to keep players hooked. If you are looking for a puzzle title that is easy to pick up and play then you won’t want to miss out on this one.

Gameplay: Very polished and quite addictive.

Graphics: The minimalistic art style suits the game perfectly.

Sound: Not much variety, but once again matches the style of the game



Ubinota is a game that appears to be deceptively easy at first, but it definitely delivers a challenging experience as you progress. Levels not only come in all shapes and sizes, but thanks to the different paint colors, all with their own unique properties, the game never becomes repetitive. Anyone looking for a unique puzzle experience should definitely add Ubinota to their collection.

Gameplay: Very addictive and very challenging.

Graphics: Simple, but very colorful.

Sound: Very relaxing.



Panmorphia is highly recommended for players interested in a slower paced, cerebral challenge. It features some beautiful visuals and plenty of very interesting puzzles. The ability of the main character to transform into different animals, changing the perspective, is also a rather cool touch. It offers plenty of value for money and a single purchase is all you need to gain access to the whole game.

Gameplay: The game offers plenty of unique puzzles to solve.

Graphics: The photos used for the scenes in the game are packed with detail.

Sound: Relaxing tunes that never become obtrusive and is perfect for exploring the gameworld