Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2 improves on just about every aspect of the original game to deliver one of the best action experiences on the PS3. The locations are exotic and varied, the enemies cunning and the dialogue great. Virtually every single chapter has a stand out moment that will leave you slack jawed with amazement. Definitely one of the finest games on the system.

Gameplay: The perfect mix of action and adventure.

Graphics: A showcase of what the PS3 can deliver.

Sound: Great voice acting and excellent music

Bombshell Teaser Trailer Showcases Mighty Punch Ability

Bombshell Teaser Trailer Showcases Mighty Punch Ability

With just under two months until the release of Bombshell, 3D Realms have unveiled another short teaser trailer of Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison in action. The short trailer showcases one of her most devastating abilities, the Might Punch, in action. In total Bombshell has four abilities, each of which can be upgraded throughout the campaign

Tennis in the Face

Tennis in the Face

Tennis In The Face has much in common with Angry Birds, but smacking clowns, cops, hipsters, and other foes with tennis balls stays entertaining. The game is easy enough for casual players to have fun, but chasing a high score and completing levels with the fewest shots is also a nice challenge. There is nothing groundbreaking about the game, but when it is this much fun and cheap to boot, it doesn’t really matter.

Gameplay: The game offers nothing radically new but still a lot of fun, especially in short bursts.

Graphics: Tennis in the Face has nice character designs and bold colors, but the backgrounds are slightly bland.

Sound: The music is ok, but the sound effects are very good

Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me

Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me

While The Doctor Who Cloned me is a entertaining experience it is not going to change the minds of those who have turned their back on the main game. With a four to five hour campaign feature plenty of shooting and new locations it is worth the price but don’t expect any visual improvements or drastic changes.

Gameplay: More focused than the main game but still some annoyances.

Graphics: No real improvements over the main campaign.

Sound: Some more quips from Duke but the music is less memorable

Planet Diver

Planet Diver

Planet Diver is fast-paced and very addictive when played in short bursts, but the lack of mission variety does mean it can become repetitive. Still, you get a lot of content for a very low price, which definitely makes it worth the investment in time and money. Just keep in mind that quick reflexes are required when braving the deep, obstacle-filled chasms through which your wingsuit diver loves to plunge.

Gameplay: Planet Diver is fast-paced, challenging, and quite addictive, although it can become repetitive.

Graphics: It takes a while to get used to the retro-style scanlines, but the overall effect is quite nice.

Sound: The music is a little unusual but very fitting

Terrian Saga: KR-17

Terrian Saga: KR-17

If you enjoy classic platforming action where some exploration and puzzle solving is required you will love KR-17. The developers have managed to perfectly capture the audio and visual style of a 90s era title, but made the gameplay accessible enough for modern players. The game still packs a challenge, but keeps things varied to prevent repetition. It is also priced very low, so there is no excuse to not try it out.

Gameplay: A great mixture of platforming, puzzle solving and enemy blasting.

Graphics: The game looks like it was ripped straight out of the 90s.

Sound: A great soundtrack with some nice sound effects thrown in too

WarioWare: Touched!

WarioWare: Touched!

The touch screen controls work perfectly and there are plenty of micro games to play but for WarioWare veterans this game will be over all too soon. There’s some great ideas here but even with the tons of extras the longevity suffers a bit. It’s still a good game however and perfectly for killing a few spare minutes.

Gameplay: Good but don’t expect that much variety.

Graphics: Not much better than Gameboy Advance but fits the game style.

Sound: Some catchy tunes



The storyline is rather childish but the gameplay is quite addictive in this non-violent shooter. Raising havoc is a lot of fun and chasing down all the little critters can be tricky but overall this game shouldn’t pose too much of a challenge. The controls work rather well bar a few instances and it is a good showcase for the Wii hardware.

Gameplay: Perfectly suited to the Wii controls.

Graphics: Not exactly cutting edge but does the job.

Sound: Good but not great

Depths of Fear :: Knossos

Depths of Fear :: Knossos

There are plenty of things that I can fault about Depths of Fear, but at the end of the day and I had a lot of fun playing the game and it kept me hooked right to the end which is all that matters. It is an impressive piece of work considering that it was made by only one person and definitely provides a unique and memorable challenge. The excellent atmosphere and addictive gameplay makes it worth the effort.

Gameplay: A nice atmospheric blend of stealth and action.

Graphics: A little rough, especially the animations, but this doesn’t detract too much from the experience.

Sound: Great creature sounds and a very nice synthesizer based soundtrack

The Last Tinker™: City of Colors

The Last Tinker™: City of Colors

If you remember the golden era of 3D adventure titles such as Zelda, Jak and Daxter and Banjo Kazooie then The Last Tinker is a must. It doesn’t copy these games directly, as is evident by the lack of a jump button, but it does a great job capturing the feel and atmosphere of the titles that inspired it. The colorful and vibrant gameworld is a joy to explore and the puzzles involving colors as well as strange Mushroom people are loads of fun.

Gameplay: Perfectly captures the look and feel of the 3D adventures of the Playstation and PS2 era.

Graphics: Colorful visuals with some great character designs.

Sound: An exotic soundtrack with plenty of memorable tunes