Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

Obsidian has clearly spent all their time and energy on the story and characters instead of on the game engine, but it is a trade off that long time Fallout fans might appreciate. While this game could have been awesome as a full blown sequel on a new engine, it still works great and comes highly recommended to all Fallout fans.

Gameplay: Despite some annoying bugs the gameplay still shines.

Graphics: The Gamebryo engine still has its moments but is really starting to show its age.

Sound: Good stuff



Sora is a shooter that takes practice and patience to master, but it is also a very rewarding title. Playing as a lone enhanced human facing off against swarms of enemies is quite a blast, and the bosses in the game are so adorable that it is almost a pity to defeat them. Add to that the rocking soundtrack, and you have a game that all fans of the genre should definitely add to their collection.

Gameplay: The game is tricky initially, but it becomes easier with practice and weapon unlocks.

Graphics: The visuals are crisp and feature some great character designs.

Sound: The audio in this game is good enough that we recommend grabbing the soundtrack as well

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite

While it might not have a multi-player mode and doesn’t stray as far from the familiar Bioshock experience as you might think, Infinite is an outstanding game with a lot to offer. With intense combat, an eye opening storyline and unwillingness to back away from sensitive topics, Infinite is a game that should not be missed.

Gameplay: Familiar yet fresh, Infinite is a worthy successor to the Bioshock franchise.

Graphics: Looks great even on moderate hardware.

Sound: Excellent voice acting and a great musical score

Portal 2

Portal 2

Portal 2 proves that sequels doesn’t have to be lazy cash-ins on the original games success. Everything in this game has been expanded and made better in some way and playing it is a blast. The humor and dialogue are spot on and the puzzles, while not too complicated for veteran players, still have a few head scratching moments.

Gameplay: More story, more puzzles, more of everything.

Graphics: A vast improvement over the original.

Sound: Outstanding voice acting all round

Bioshock 2

Bioshock 2

A great sequel that makes a lot of improvements over the original but at times feels too much like an expansion pack rather than a full fledged title. It is still a blast to play and has some great insights into the world of Rapture but don’t expect the plot to be as mind blowing as the first. Things really pick up towards the end so stick with it.

Gameplay: All the tweaks and improvements you could ask for.

Graphics: Very nice but its clear to see that the PC version is being held back by the games console roots.

Sound: Atmospheric and moody



Fans of Deadpool will have a blast with this game but the humour should appeal to newcomers as well. High Moon Studios have captured the character perfectly although the gameplay can feel a bit clunky at times. While not without its flaws I had a blast playing this game and can recommend it to all fans of the merc with a mouth.

Gameplay: Packed with action and humour.

Graphics: Not the best I’ve seen but it does the license justice.

Sound: Superb voice acting by Nolan North coupled with a rocking soundtrack

Penumbra Overture

Penumbra Overture

Penumbra: Overture is an admirable attempt at something new and makes for a nice break from all the running and gunning in first-person perspective games. There are plenty of logical puzzles to work your way through and a hair-raising story that will have you hooked right to the end. The graphics are not exactly cutting-edge, and it’s not as scary as it tries to be, but overall, it’s a good game.

Gameplay: Penumbra: Overture is best experienced late at night with the sound up and the lights off.

Graphics: The visuals consist of lots and lots of brown.

Sound: The audio is pretty standard as far as creepiness is concerned

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Batman: Arkham Asylum is as close to perfection as I have ever seen a game based upon a comic license come. Rocksteady Studios have come out of nowhere and released the definitive Batman game. Fans of the caped crusader will love this game but even if you only have a passing interest in the character you will find a lot to enjoy here. This game of the year edition adds a few extras to an already great game.

Gameplay: Polished and engaging, this is the best Batman game yet.

Graphics: Excellent visual style that retains the gritty look of the comic books.

Sound: Excellent voice overs all round and great music

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 is quite a big departure from past installments, both in tone and visuals. It is however still a great game with plenty of action packed sequences. The over-abundance of cut-scenes can be a bit annoying for those that want to get right to the action but the story is gripping enough and takes Max to some pretty dark places. Highly recommended.

Gameplay: Feels like you are in the middle of a big-budget action movie.

Graphics: Excellent with lots of varied locations.

Sound: Awesome voice acting and a great soundtrack

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

While Uncharted 3 is a great game, it falls somewhat short of the jaw dropping thrills delivered in the last game. The story is little less inspiring and the whole game has a bit of a rushed feel to it. There are some great set pieces and the usual assortment of exotic locations but nothing that tops Uncharted 2.

Gameplay: Epic but somehow not quite as epic as the last installment.

Graphics: Still some of the best on the system.

Sound: Up to the usual high standards