The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

While there is no danger of this game dethroning the Diablo series it is a solid action role playing game set in a unique gameworld. The mixture of steampunk and gothic elements offer some bizarre enemies and interesting locations to explore while the action never lets up. The complete pack also adds some essential DLC for extending the longevity and variety of the game.

Gameplay: Traditional action role playing done right.

Graphics: The visual style is nice and the creature designs superb.

Sound: Great voice acting, meaty sound effects and some nice tunes

Victor Vran

Victor Vran

Victor Vran is the latest contender for the action-RPG crown and actually offers a very enjoyable experience. Visually, it is a little similar to the Van Helsing titles, but thanks to its character customization options feels quite fresh. It also features non-stop action and plenty of challenges, so fans of the genre will really get their money’s worth with this one.

Gameplay: The relentless action can become a little repetitive, but the variety of weapons and powers keeps the combat interesting.

Graphics: The handcrafted levels look really nice and the lighting effects really stand out.

Sound: Good voice acting by some familiar voice actors and a good soundtrack as well



Mobile titles usually don’t fare very well on PC due to their simplicity or lack of options, but Uppercut Games has done a good job sprucing up EPOCH for its Steam release. The improved visuals and responsive controls make it more than just a quick port, and the arcade-style gameplay is perfect for killing some time between more in-depth titles. While the campaign can be completed relatively quickly, there is plenty of replay value, and the endless Arena mode also provides some more longevity.

Gameplay: Epoch is a third-person shooter stripped down to its most basic elements.

Graphics: The Unreal 3 engine provides visuals that were quite good for their time.

Sound: The audio is decent but not particularly memorable

DuckTales: Remastered

DuckTales: Remastered

Wayforward definitely handled this remastered version with the respect that it deserves. The updated visuals look fantastic and the audio sounds great. It was also very nostalgic to hear the original voice actor for Scrooge reprising his role after all these years. If you loved the original you will have a blast with this one, but newcomers might wonder what all the fuss is about.

Gameplay: Very true to the original.

Graphics: The new character sprites are awesome, but I would have liked 2D backgrounds as well.

Sound: Nice renditions of the classic tunes

Revolution Ace

Revolution Ace

I can’t deny that I had a lot of fun with Revolution Ace but it is definitely not a game that will appeal to everyone. The lengthy single player campaign is good, but it is the innovative multi-player modes that really steal the show. Whether in Versus or Battle Chains mode, challenging a human opponent is quite addictive. If you can overlook the rather generic visuals and soundtrack you’ll find a good, old school shooter lurking underneath.

Gameplay: Feels just like an old school arcade shooter.

Graphics: The graphics look a little bland despite using the Unreal Engine.

Sound: Fitting but not particularly memorable

Battle Fantasia -Revised Edition-

Battle Fantasia -Revised Edition-

The varied roster of interesting characters alone makes it hard to dislike Battle Fantasia –Revised Edition- and the newcomer friendly gameplay is also a plus. It doesn’t quite have the depth demanded by veterans and the pace is also considerably slower than other titles by Arc System Works, but it still has plenty to offer. It is a very accessible beat ‘em up and offers a great way for newcomers to dip their toes in the genre.

Gameplay: The character roster is small, but the game is accessible enough for newcomers to jump in and have fun.

Graphics: Although improved the visuals still show their age compared to more modern fighting games.

Sound: The over the top Japanese voice acting fits the game perfectly and the background tunes are quite good too

Kyn (Tangrin Entertainment)

Kyn (Tangrin Entertainment)

As if the Vikings were not fearsome enough, Kyn places them in a world where they can do magic as well. Coming soon courtesy of Tangrin Entertainment, the game is a mixture of action role playing, strategy and party based combat. Thanks to a preview build we were able to get some hands-on time with the game to see what it has to offer

Gundemonium Recollection

Gundemonium Recollection

If you like “bullet hell” shooters then you will have a blast with Gundemonium Recollection. Five levels might not sound like much but be prepared to spend a lot of time with this game if you truly want to master it. With a wealth of weapons and some really challenging gameplay you’ll be coming back to this one again and again.

Gameplay: Daunting if you are new to the genre, but loads of fun and very challenging.

Graphics: Nowhere near cutting-edge but very stylish and cute.

Sound: The new arranged soundtrack is excellent

SteamWorld Dig

SteamWorld Dig

SteamWorld Dig makes the transition from 3DS to PC flawlessly and loses none of its addictive charm along the way. Carving out your own mining tunnels while avoiding or killing the enemies is loads of fun, and there is always one more upgrade or power to tempt you back.

Gameplay: SteamWorld Dig is polished, entertaining, and incredibly addictive.

Graphics: The visuals consist of charming high-definition 2D graphics.

Sound: The game features some western-flavored tunes and spot-on sound effects

So Many Me

So Many Me

The whimsical visuals might fool you into thinking that this is just another easy platform title, but So Many Me packs a lot of tricky puzzles as well. Completing the levels is easy enough that players of all skill levels have a fair shot, but finding all the costumes and relics takes considerably more skill. If you are looking for a polished and addictive platformer, then look no further than So Many Me.

Gameplay: A charming platformer with a strong emphasis on puzzle solving.

Graphics: Packed with detail, color and personality.

Sound: The catchy soundtrack is a perfect match for the light-hearted visual style