Race The Sun

Race The Sun

Race The Sun is one of those games that is almost impossible to stop playing after you become hooked. It seems very simple at first, but after you get used to the pace and unlock a few upgrades the real fun begins. The different challenges and gameworld that changes daily also adds some longevity. For some pure arcade thrills Race The Sun comes highly recommended.

Gameplay: Addiction thy name is Race The Sun!

Graphics: Simple but very effective.

Sound: The music is thankfully unobtrusive but can become slightly repetitive

Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage

Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage

2D arcade style action games like Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage is still a bit of a niche genre on PC, but don’t let that deter you from this title. There is enough fast paced combat to satisfy any action junkie and the stylish visuals are a treat for the eyes. It is clear that a lot of effort went into the design and presentation of this game and it is a title that I can wholeheartedly recommend.

Gameplay: Frenetic combat that is very satisfying to master and two unique characters to swap between.

Graphics: Excellent backgrounds and outstanding character designs.

Sound: Some authentic and atmospheric tunes

Haunt the House: Terrortown

Haunt the House: Terrortown

Haunt The House might not be the longest or most challenging game we’ve played, but it has a unique setting, stylish visuals, and plenty of entertainment. Scaring people with the strange actions you can coax out of ordinary objects is surprisingly fun, and each location offers plenty of unique opportunities to try out your poltergeist skills.

Gameplay: The game is straightforward but quite entertaining.

Graphics: Haunt the House features detailed and charming visuals.

Sound: The game offers a selection of nice tunes and plenty of sound effects

Riptide GP2

Riptide GP2

Riptide GP2 has the feel of an old school arcade racer and it is easy to get sucked into the experience. The game features some good looking tracks and plenty of awesome stunts. Although originally a mobile title, the developers went the extra mile to make it look good on PC and have also removed all micro-transactions. It is quite an addictive title, but suffers a bit from repetition in the later stages of the game.

Gameplay: Challenging and addictive, although it does become a bit of a grind.

Graphics: Quite impressive considering the mobile roots of the game.

Sound: The soundtrack fits the game, but might not be to everyone’s taste

Vertical Drop Heroes HD

Vertical Drop Heroes HD

Vertical Drop Heroes HD is simple enough that you can instantly jump in and have fun for a few minutes, but addictive enough to keep you hooked for hours. All the procedural elements keep things interesting and there are tons of skills as well as traits to unlock. The game offers a lot of value for money and will keep you coming back again and again for “just one more go.”

Gameplay: Simple, but very addictive.

Graphics: Cartoonish visuals with some nice 2-D artwork.

Sound: Catchy tunes



If all you want is mindless killing and senseless violence you will probably enjoy what Hatred has to offer. However, it is quite a repetitive title and without the controversy not really that special. The destructible environments are nice and causing chaos is quite fun, but the game is also rather short and lacking in depth.

Gameplay: Shoot everyone and blow up everything before repeating it again on the next level.

Graphics: The monochrome visuals are detailed and stylish, but make it hard to see what is going on at times.

Sound: Moody background music, but the protagonist sounds more cheesy than menacing

Flame Over

Flame Over

Running around as a firefighter extinguishing flames and rescuing civilians is a lot more fun than it sounds and Flame Over packs quite a challenge to boot. It is definitely a little frustrating at times, but the randomized levels and addictive gameplay will keep you coming back for more after every rage quit. The game made the transition from PS Vita to PC very well and comes highly recommended.

Gameplay: Fun, sometimes frustrating, very challenging and definitely addictive.

Graphics: Four different environments and some very nice fire effects.

Sound: Very catchy and fits the theme of the game perfectly



If you played Crimsonland before, the updated version is definitely a nostalgic blast from the past. It still has enough to offer new players as well with a multitude of modes, weapons, perks and achievements to keep things interesting. As long as you don’t expect a deep plot or anything beyond killing every monster in sight you will have fun with Crimsonland.

Gameplay: A simple, yet addictive top down shooter which is enhanced with some great perks.

Graphics: Improved over the original version, but still pretty basic.

Sound: Suits the game nicely, but doesn’t really stand out

The Culling Of The Cows

The Culling Of The Cows

The Culling of the Cows is an action packed arcade experience with a nice visual style. Blasting the enemies requires a quick trigger finger, but the inclusion of assists and upgrades ads a strategic element to the gameplay as well. If you can appreciate a good shooter with a rather dark sense of humor you will find a lot to like about The Culling of The Cows.

Gameplay: A challenging arcade shooter that requires some strategic thinking as well.

Graphics: Nice hand-drawn visual style with plenty of detail.

Sound: The music and sound effects match the gameplay perfectly.

Heroes of Loot

Heroes of Loot

Heroes of Loot is a great title for when you need a quick action fix and don’t want to get bogged down with small details like inventory management or stat allocation. You simply race through dungeon floors, killing everything in sight and grabbing whatever loot you can find. It doesn’t have a lot of depth, but since dungeons are randomly generated and increase in difficulty the more you play the replay value is quite high. It is also very reasonably priced, which means there is no excuse for not giving it a shot.

Gameplay: The focus is very much on action and there isn’t much that gets in the way of that.

Graphics: Some lovely pixel art visuals with nice enemy designs.

Sound: Decent, but the sound effects are a little underwhelming