Kirby: Power Paintbrush

Kirby: Power Paintbrush

With so many DS titles feeling like rehashed Gameboy Advance games it is great to see this ones like this finally start to emerge. It uses the same formula first seen in Yoshi Touch N Go but evolves it into a full fledged game. It comes highly recommended to all platform fans.

Gameplay: Full stylus control throughout makes for an interesting challenge.

Graphics: Very nice 2D visuals.

Sound: Cheerful and uplifting



At first it seems so simple you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about but once you get hooked there’s no turning back. Lumines might not look like much more than a Tetris rip-off but this is definitely one of the PSP’s most addictive games. This is one of those games that you will find yourself returning to.

Gameplay: Horribly addictive.

Graphics: Looks great on the PSP screen.

Sound: An essential part of the experience

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition

With a ton of characters, excellent story mode and loads of extras, Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition is a must have not only for fans of Mortal Kombat, but anyone who loves the genre. The gameplay is solid and the fights taking place on a 2D plane works very well. The Komplete Edition might not be worth it if you already own the original version but for newcomers it is highly recommended.

Gameplay: Harkens back to the classic era of Mortal Kombat games.

Graphics: The visuals are very impressive and breath new life into familiar arenas.

Sound: Excellent

Ni no Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch

Ni no Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch

Ni No Kuni is one of those Japanese Role Playing Games that can make you fall in love with the genre all over again. A beautiful gameworld filled with imaginative creatures and the stellar animation of Studio Ghibli makes this a PS3 exclusive worth having. If you are not a fan of the genre this might just be the game that can draw you in.

Gameplay: Japanese role playing at its finest.

Graphics: Thoroughly great.

Sound: A beautiful soundtrack and very good voice acting

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

Very playable and quite addictive in short bursts but ultimately becomes very repetitive and probably a title that’s more suited to portable systems. Still there’s fun to be had especially if you remember the original Outrun.

Gameplay: Fun… in short bursts.

Graphics: Not exactly cutting edge for this day and age but still good.

Sound: Nice if you remember the original games

Pac ‘N Roll

Pac ‘N Roll

Pac N Roll is not a game that is going to set your world on fire and astound you with its innovative new concepts but it is fun while it lasts. The controls work well and the levels become quite challenging later on. Repetition does start to creep in after a while so you might want to try before you buy.

Gameplay: An interesting take on the genre.

Graphics: Bold and cheerful.

Sound: Apart from the horrible voice samples not too bad

Ridge Racer

Ridge Racer

Basically a greatest hits compilation spanning the entire Ridge Racer series, this is essential stuff for all Ridge Racer fans and anyone who likes racing games in general. Awesome first generation PSP title from Namco.

Gameplay: Very addictive once you get the hang of it.

Graphics: Very nice considering it is a first generation PSP title.

Sound: Loads of tracks with some cool remixes

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Shattered Memories is sure to upset a few diehard fans but it is an interesting direction for the series. There are some very good ideas contained in this game but unfortunately just as much things that drag it down from being a really must-have title. The gripping storyline is enough to draw in fans of the series so if you have enjoyed the twisted tales of Silent Hill this far you might like this one.

Gameplay: A departure from the usual Silent Hill gameplay mechanics but with a gripping story..

Graphics: Some of the best on PSP.

Sound: Eerie tunes and good solid voice acting



Even if you are a fan of the movie I would be hard pressed to recommend this game to anyone. This would have felt boring and dated on the Gameboy Advance and it certainly has no place on the Nintendo DS. There are way better offerings than this out there.

Gameplay: This is a lazy port of a cheap movie cash-in.

Graphics: Barely better than on the Gameboy Advance.

Sound: Nothing to write home about

Chef Solitaire USA

Chef Solitaire USA

Chef Solitaire is a very addictive and polished take on the genre that stands out even with the wealth of solitaire games available on the market. The basic gameplay is a lot of fun while the short mini-games make for nice diversions. The game also features more than enough rounds to keep players of all skill levels busy for quite some time.

Gameplay: Very addictive and the added mini-games are a nice touch.

Graphics: The restaurant theme is really nice and ensures plenty of visual variety.

Sound: Great voice acting and the relaxing tunes never become obtrusive or annoying