Zuma’s Revenge

Zuma’s Revenge

If you enjoyed the original game then you will love this sequel. It doesn’t change the addictive formula in any drastic way but it does offer a polished and compelling experience. Expect to sink more hours into this one than you may think.

Gameplay: Every bit as addictive and engrossing as the original.
Graphics: While not spectacular the visuals are very polished.
Sound: Similar to the original

Zen Bound 2

Zen Bound 2

Zen Bound 2 is a puzzle experience unlike any other I’ve had on computer so far. The graphics are gorgeous and the whole mood of the game fits the theme perfectly. While it might not look like much from the outside once you are hooked and aiming for that elusive 100% completion you’ll realize just how deep this game goes.

Gameplay: A calming breath of fresh air in a crowded market.
Graphics: So real you can almost touch it.
Sound: Soothing

Zombie Driver

Zombie Driver

Zombie Driver is a nicely retro flavored indie arcade title that is a blast to play. It might not last for very long but with the promised updates and low price it is well worth the effort. This is definitely a game for all those people that had more fun in the original Grand Theft Auto, running over pedestrians and driving like a maniac, than actually getting out of the car and doing missions.

Gameplay: Driving over zombies is fun.
Graphics: Retro style greatness.
Sound: Splattering zombies sounds just like it should

Always Remember Me

Always Remember Me

Always Remember Me has the distinction of being the first Otome Game on Steam, so how much you enjoy it will depend very much on whether you like the genre or not. The story is interesting, but the focus is more on training stats which can result in repetition, especially after multiple playthroughs. For an older game, Always Remember Me still holds up well and it is quite a relaxing experience, so if you are in the mood for something different it is worth seeking out.

Gameplay: The focus is more on juggling stats than interacting with the characters.

Graphics: The artwork still holds up well.

Sound: The soundtrack is decent, but the speech snippets can start to become repetitive

Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar

Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar

Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar offers a nice role playing fix without the investment in time required by the bigger titles. The emphasis is firmly on combat, so if this isn’t your favorite aspect of the genre you can skip this one. Although your input is rather limited, there is still plenty of strategy involved and the game can become rather addictive. There are plenty of enemies to face and the game offers a nice challenge, which makes it ideal for whiling away a few hours.

Gameplay: More strategic than it appears at first glance.

Graphics: Nice visuals, but the animation is a bit sparse.

Sound: Not a lot of variety, but what is on offer is good

Monkey Tales Games

Monkey Tales Games

If you have kids aged between 7 and 11 who need some encouragement with their mathematics and logic then Monkey Tales might be just what you need. This collection of five games does a good job of disguising the educational content in a colorful and engaging package. It is obviously not meant for older players, but for younger kids it serves as a great educational tool and a nice introduction to proper gaming.

Gameplay: A nice blend of education and entertainment.

Graphics: Bright, colorful and with surprisingly good animations.

Sound: Thankfully not too annoying