Celebrate The Fourth of July With A Free Copy Of Trouble With Robots On iOS

Celebrate The Fourth of July With A Free Copy Of Trouble With Robots On iOS

What better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than with a free iOS title. Art Castle Ltd. kindly decided to release the iOS version of their game, Trouble With Robots, free on this special day. Although the first chapter can already be played free of charge, players will also be able to grab the second and third chapter at no extra cost for the duration of the promotion.

We checked out the Android release of this strategic card game and it impressed us enough to garner a score of 8.3/10 in our REVIEW. We also had a chat with the lead developer, Ed Mandy, to find out more about this title. Since the game will be available free of charge, we recommend that anyone who enjoys this genre give it a try. For more information about the game, check out the official website. Grab your copy of the game from the iOS App Store.

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