Victor Vran (Haemimont Games)

Victor Vran (Haemimont Games)

If you are looking for an action RPG that is fast, fun and doesn’t get bogged down in endless stats you will enjoy Victor Vran. It also looks like the developers are pulling out all the stops to make this a game that fans will enjoy and you can provide feedback or report bugs from within the game to help with the development. There has been some great role playing titles released for PC lately and Victor Vran is definitely shaping up to be one of them

I Am Bread

I Am Bread

I Am Bread is a lot of fun to watch, but until you have played it for yourself it is hard to describe just how addictive it is. Just like its predecessor, Surgeon Simulator 2013, the controls have a steep learning curve, but the amount of mayhem you can get up to make it worthwhile. Thanks to the extra modes the game also has a ton of replay value and it is definitely one of the more entertaining titles that we have played this year.

Gameplay: Goofy, over the top, intentionally frustrating and utterly addictive.

Graphics: Detailed and colorful.

Sound: The game features a very catchy soundtrack

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas

Oceanhorn impresses with its charming visuals and addictive gameplay while drawing a lot of inspiration from the Legend of Zelda franchise. It doesn’t quite reach the same heights as the Zelda games, but it comes very close which is quite impressive. Even more impressive is the fact that it was originally a mobile title and the developers actually put in a lot of effort to polish it up for PC. Thanks to its length, charm and polish we can definitely recommend Oceanhorn to all fans of the genre.

Gameplay: More than a little familiar if you’ve played any of the Zelda titles, but still a lot of fun.

Graphics: Bright, colorful and detailed.

Sound: Decent voice acting and a great soundtrack

Fly in the House

Fly in the House

Fly In The House is quite fun at first, especially after the recent patch, but anyone looking for more depth than simply hunting down a fly while destroying everything might be disappointed. The amount of destruction you can get up to is impressive, but the overall visual quality is a bit low. Since there are only three environments on offer the game can also feel a bit restrictive. It’s still fun to play in short bursts though, so grab it if you enjoy mindless arcade games.

Gameplay: Once the novelty of breaking everything in sight wears off it can be a bit repetitive.

Graphics: The destructible scenery is nice, but the texture quality is rather low.

Sound: Limited and annoying music, but decent enough sound effects.

Spirits of Xanadu

Spirits of Xanadu

Desolate spaceships out in the depths of space always make for good game settings, and Spirits of Xanadu is no exception. The game draws its inspiration from titles such as System Shock 2 but obviously cannot compete in terms of size and depth. It is still an impressive offering from a very small team, though, and makes for an engaging experience. The voice acting, in particular, is a highlight, but the interactive environments are also a great touch. If you enjoy exploration-based games and creepy locations, don’t pass up on Spirits of Xanadu.

Gameplay: The focus is more on exploration than puzzle solving, but it is still very enjoyable.

Graphics: The visuals are not cutting-edge but still impressive enough for a small indie title.

Sound: The audio is decent, but the voice acting is very good

Friendship Club (Force Of Habit)

Friendship Club (Force Of Habit)

Young Timmy Bibble is a boy with a very active imagination and he uses it to make his four imaginary friends battle each other. Ranging from a mountain beast and crazy old prospector to a duck and ninja-bandit-skeleton-thing, these characters are ready to kill each other for their spot by Timmy’s side. As far as storylines goes it’s pretty wacky, but then again who needs an excuse for some good old fashioned arcade action

Trapped Dead: Lockdown

Trapped Dead: Lockdown

If you are not tired of killing zombies yet, Trapped Dead: Lockdown invites you to a small American town to get acquainted with the undead locals. The game features five different playable characters, hordes of zombies and buckets of blood, but because it is a linear experience it can also become rather repetitive. The game is still entertaining and features a lengthy campaign as well as multi-player with four players, but if you are not a fan of the genre this is unlikely to sway you.

Gameplay: Enjoyable, but repetitive and there are a couple of minor annoyances.

Graphics: The visuals are detailed and the locations varied.

Sound: Decent voice acting, but the music and sound effects are largely forgettable

Nephil’s Fall by Exordium Games

Nephil’s Fall by Exordium Games

Start weak and build up your character until they are an unstoppable force. That is usually how progression works in games. Some games strip you of all powers at the start and require you to slowly regain them again, but Nephil’s Fall dares to do things a little differently

Blade Kitten

Blade Kitten

Blade Kitten is a nice platform game in a style that’s just not available on computer anymore. The visuals are nice, the characters likeable and the gameplay bar a few annoyances here and there is solid. It is obviously not going to appeal to the usual PC crowd but if you can appreciate a platform game that won’t tax your skills too much and stars a pink haired cat girl heroine then there’s no excuse not to pick this up.
Gameplay: It’s a little low on challenges and feels like it’s over too soon but definitely fun while it lasts with some nice replay value.

Graphics: Colorful shell-shaded visuals set this one apart from the pack.

Sound: The voices are ok and the music not too bad either. The theme song is damn catchy though

Carmageddon: Reincarnation (Stainless Games Ltd)

Carmageddon: Reincarnation (Stainless Games Ltd)

Believe it or not, the original Carmageddon was released more than 18 years ago already! However, it only took me a few minutes after booting up Reincarnation to realize that Stainless Games Ltd has nailed the feel of the game. Anyone who can remember gleefully plowing through throngs of pedestrians while smashing rival racers to bits will find that Carmageddon: Reincarnation offers the same level of vehicular carnage