

Defragmented makes the most of its Cyberpunk setting and while the visuals are not exactly cutting edge the gameplay is very addictive. It is a game that is not afraid to challenge players, but prevailing against the overwhelming odds is extremely satisfying. The game also features a synthwave soundtrack so good it is almost worth the price of admission on its own.

Gameplay: Fast paced and very challenging, but also very addictive and rewarding.

Graphics: Simple, but fitting and the destructible environments are a great touch.

Sound: The soundtrack is pure synthwave epicness

Assassin’s Creed® Revelations

Assassin’s Creed® Revelations

While not quite the “revelation” that I was hoping for, this game does tie up the stories of Altair and Ezio. Not much has changed gameplay wise and the story is not the best in the series but the game is still very entertaining. It is definitely not for newcomers to the series as the story is a direction continuation of Brotherhood but it does fill the gap until Assassin’s Creed 3.

Gameplay: Pretty much the same as Brotherhood.

Graphics: Not bad but the colours are a bit dull.

Sound: Good voice acting and atmospheric music

Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning

Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning

With its Steampunk setting, great characters and intriguing storyline it is easy to get sucked into this visual novel. However, it is not perfect as the pacing slows down considerably in later chapters and too many superfluous characters with little impact on the story keep getting introduced. Stick with it though and you’ll find a great visual novel with characters that are truly memorable.

Gameplay: Some chapters drag their feet, but the overall story is quite captivating.

Graphics: Great visuals, but the relatively low resolution is disappointing.

Sound: Full Japanese voice acting, great sound effects and very nice music, but some tracks repeat too often

BeatBlasters III

BeatBlasters III

BeatBlasters III shows a lot of imagination but has the gameplay to back up the wacky plot. The developers have gone for a quality over quantity approach with each level looking totally unique. It takes a while to get used to the controls but using a controller makes a big difference. If you are looking for an interesting fusion of platforming, puzzle solving and rhythm based action then grab yourself a copy.

Gameplay: A very interesting fusion of genres.

Graphics: The 2D visuals are packed with detail and imagination.

Sound: The music is not my favorite genre but it matches the theme of the game

Fallout 3 – Operation Anchorage

Fallout 3 – Operation Anchorage

Operation: Anchorage takes place inside a military simulator and offers a unique look at one of the “historical” battles in the Fallout universe. The feel of the DLC is quite different from the main campaign and almost feels like an old Call of Duty title at times. With the RPG elements removed and the linear shooting sections taking the place of meaningful quests this DLC falls a bit short but still offers a pleasant enough diversion.

Gameplay: Makes for an interesting departure from the main game.

Graphics: Some snowy new environments and Chinese enemies.

Sound: Fitting

Papers, Please

Papers, Please

Papers, Please is one of those titles that you have to play in order to truly appreciate. It is hard to try to explain the concept to someone else without making it sound dull, but believe us, the game will suck you in. With some thought-provoking moral dilemmas and multiple endings, you might find yourself coming back to this one again and again.

Gameplay: Papers, Please, is a truly unique and engaging experience.

Graphics: The unique visual style matches the mood and setting of the game perfectly.

Sound: The audio for the game is very sparse but quite fitting

Cubixx HD

Cubixx HD

Cubixx HD takes the addictive formula of the old arcade hit Qix and brings it into the modern era. The 3D playing field increases the challenge, but the basics can be mastered in no time. Putting up a decent high score and completing the Challenge levels takes a bit more practice, though, not to mention taking on the online leaderboards. Even when failing repeatedly, the addictive gameplay, stylish visuals, and thumping soundtrack will keep you returning for more.

Gameplay: The game is easy to learn but challenging to master, just like a good arcade or puzzle game should be.

Graphics: The visuals are not too flashy but very nice overall.

Sound: This is definitely a game where you will want to crank the volume up loud

Fallout 3

Fallout 3

The shift towards a more action oriented first person view might not sit well with purists, but Fallout 3 is still a very entertaining and highly engrossing role playing game. Exploring the wasteland and all its perils is a memorable experience and there is enough to do in this game to keep you busy for ages. The game wasn’t without its bugs when it first launched, but has stabilized a lot since then and there are also hundreds of mods available to enhance the experience.

Gameplay: More action and a little less role playing than the previous Fallout titles, but still good.

Graphics: While not exactly cutting edge the visuals still allow for an immersive experience.

Sound: The game features a great selection of classic tunes

AIPD – Artificial Intelligence Police Department

AIPD – Artificial Intelligence Police Department

For an action-packed, neon-fueled arcade shooter, look no further than AIPD. Despite the intriguing title, the game does not have a story-driven campaign mode but has tons of action. The number of enemy and arena permutations on offer also gives it more replay value than typical arcade shooters. Best of all, it features a four-player local coop mode, which is as fun as it is chaotic.

Gameplay: AIPD features plenty of addictive old-school shooting action.

Graphics: The 80s neon glow art style has been done before, but it still looks great.

Sound: Features a nice electronic soundtrack and solid sound effects

Highschool Possession

Highschool Possession

Highschool Possession tells the tale of a student named Hikaru, who one day finds his conscience mysteriously alternating between the bodies of two girls in his school. It is an interesting premise, but due to the short length of the game not a lot of time is spent on fleshing it out more. While the art and audio is decent enough the story could definitely have benefited from a bit more work.

Gameplay: The basic story is quite interesting, but due to its short length a lot of things feels glossed over.

Graphics: Nice artwork, but not many different backgrounds

Sound: The soundtrack is decent, but the game features no voice acting