

Bloq features a very simple idea and gameplay mechanics, but implements it in a polished and addictive manner. The puzzles range from very easy to mind boggling, but definitely has the potential to keep players hooked. If you are looking for a puzzle title that is easy to pick up and play then you won’t want to miss out on this one.

Gameplay: Very polished and quite addictive.

Graphics: The minimalistic art style suits the game perfectly.

Sound: Not much variety, but once again matches the style of the game

Blade Kitten

Blade Kitten

Blade Kitten is a nice platform game in a style that’s just not available on computer anymore. The visuals are nice, the characters likeable and the gameplay bar a few annoyances here and there is solid. It is obviously not going to appeal to the usual PC crowd but if you can appreciate a platform game that won’t tax your skills too much and stars a pink haired cat girl heroine then there’s no excuse not to pick this up.
Gameplay: It’s a little low on challenges and feels like it’s over too soon but definitely fun while it lasts with some nice replay value.

Graphics: Colorful shell-shaded visuals set this one apart from the pack.

Sound: The voices are ok and the music not too bad either. The theme song is damn catchy though

Spirit of War

Spirit of War

Turn-based strategy titles that are based on the First World War aren’t exactly known for their accessibility, especially when there are hexes involved, but Spirit of War manages to buck this trend. It has a wealth of units, plenty of maps and the skirmishes are quite addictive. Thanks to the lengthy solo campaign as well as the inclusion of hotseat multiplayer the game definitely provides value for money. There are a couple of niggles that prevent it from scoring higher, but overall I really enjoyed this title.

Gameplay: A nice selection of different units and gameplay that is very accessible to newcomers.

Graphics: Nothing too extravagant, but still has plenty of neat touches.

Sound: Unobtrusive music and decent sound effects.

Trouble With Robots

Trouble With Robots

Although originally a PC title, Trouble With Robots is a game that feels much more at home on a mobile device and the bite size levels make it great for playing on the go. The visuals have been given a complete overhaul and the gameplay is still as addictive as ever. Don’t let the whimsical story and cute visuals fool you either, the game features plenty of strategy to sink your teeth into and comes highly recommended.

Gameplay: Easy to play, but features plenty of strategic depth.

Graphics: Beautiful and detailed artwork that looks great on high definition tablets.

Sound: No speech, but the background tunes are good

Sakura Angels

Sakura Angels

Sakura Angels is a definite improvement over Sakura Spirit, but still falls short of greatness. Players who like plenty of fan service and don’t mind a story that is a bit clichéd will enjoy the game though and the artwork is beautiful. It is also a more risqué game compared to Sakura Spirit, but once again the title is more ecchi than hentai, so will be tame to people used to nukige titles.

Gameplay: The story is a bit more involved this time round and there are much more choices.

Graphics: Beautiful art work with plenty of detail.

Sound: Once again, no voice acting, but the music isn’t too bad

Sakura Spirit

Sakura Spirit

Sakura Spirit features some very nice visuals, but despite an interesting setup the plot never really goes anywhere. The lack of animations or poses are also very noticeable, although the CGs are very good. The nudity that is included in the game definitely leans more towards the ecchi side of the scale and not hentai, which might be a letdown for fans of the genre. There are better visual novels available, but hopefully Winged Cloud learns from their mistakes, as there are not many Western developers who bother making these titles.

Gameplay: The story is rather short and not very engaging.

Graphics: Very detailed and features nice character designs, but the amount of outfits and poses are lacking.

Sound: The soundtrack is nice, but the game features no speech

To Be or Not To Be

To Be or Not To Be

To Be or Not to Be is a faithful recreation of the original book by Ryan North, only enhanced by the Gamebook Adventures Engine from Tin Man Games. This means there isn’t much here that’s new for people already familiar with the book. Anyone who has yet to experience the over-the-top interpretation of the famous tale should have lots of fun with To Be or Not To Be. The story is humorous, and the artwork contributed by some very well-known artists is great.

Gameplay: The story is great, and with so many different endings to discover, there is plenty of replay value.

Graphics: Great presentation and brilliant artwork.

Sound: The music is good, as is the narration, although the latter can become repetitive

NeXus – One Core

NeXus – One Core

It is tough and unforgiving, but NeXus: One Core is also addictive and very rewarding. The solo mode has enough randomized elements and difficulty settings to keep you busy for a while, but it is the local co-op mode where this game truly shines. If you are a fan of the genre you should definitely check out the game, but for players who regularly play local co-op titles this is a must.
Gameplay: Very challenging, but improving your best times through practice is very rewarding.

Graphics: The game looks good, but visual distractions are kept to a minimum.

Gameplay: Some great tunes that really complement the gameplay nicely.



Ubinota is a game that appears to be deceptively easy at first, but it definitely delivers a challenging experience as you progress. Levels not only come in all shapes and sizes, but thanks to the different paint colors, all with their own unique properties, the game never becomes repetitive. Anyone looking for a unique puzzle experience should definitely add Ubinota to their collection.

Gameplay: Very addictive and very challenging.

Graphics: Simple, but very colorful.

Sound: Very relaxing.

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty

Abe is back in a game that goes above and beyond the typical “high definition” upgrade other classic titles have received. The game stays true to Abe’s Oddysee, on which it is based, but enhances and improves on the original formula in virtually every area. The result is a game that not only looks great, but plays great as well. It is also a game that will appeal to fans of the original as well as new players.

Gameplay: Easier than the original, but still as unique and addictive.

Graphics: The new visuals look incredible and enhances the atmosphere of the game.

Sound: A new (but still fitting) voice for Abe and plenty of great tunes as well as sound effects